Learn to write the Chinese character "购" by watching the stroke order animation of "购".
Stroke by Stroke: 购 Writing Order
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【本义】: 悬赏征求
The original meaning: To offer a reward for seeking.
【造字法】: 形声。从贝。从“贝”,表示与财物有关。
Character formation: Phonetic and semantic; derived from "shell," indicating a relationship with wealth.
1. 买: ([En.] purchase; buy)
- 例如: 购买, 购置, 购销, 收购, 采购。
- For example: purchase, buy, acquire, acquire (goods), procure.
2. 悬赏征求: ([En.] offer a reward for)
- 例如: 悬购, 购募(悬赏募求)。
- For example: reward recruitment, seeking with a reward.
3. 通“媾”: 讲和 ([En.] make peace with a foreign country)
- 例如: 购于秦(与秦国媾和; 向秦讲和)。
- For example: making peace with Qin (reaching an agreement with Qin).
1. 《说文》:购,以财有所求也。
"Shuōwén": To purchase is to seek something with wealth.
2. 《广雅·释言》:购,偿也。
"Guǎngyǎ": To purchase means to compensate.
3. 《史记·项羽本纪》:吾闻汉购我头千金,邑万户,吾为若德。
"Shǐjì": I have heard that the Han would pay a thousand gold for my head, and ten thousand households for my virtue.
4. 宋·文天祥《指南录后序》:穷饿无聊,追购又急,天高地迥,号呼靡及。
"Sòng": Exhausted and starving, I pursued an urgent purchase, but the heavens were high and the earth vast, and my cries went unheard.
例如: 购求 (设置奖金以捉捕犯人); 购问 (悬赏征询); 购募 (悬赏募求); 购悬 (悬赏缉拿)。
For example: seeking purchase (offering a reward to capture criminals); reward inquiry (offering a reward for inquiries); recruitment with reward (offering a reward to seek); hanging a reward (offering a reward for capture).
2. 原指用重金收买,后泛指买 ([En.] purchase; buy)
- 例如: 购求 (寻求购买); 购粮; 购房; 购地; 赊购; 购辑 (购买收集); 购请 (购买)。
- For example: seeking to purchase; buying grain; buying a house; buying land; credit purchase; collecting purchases; requesting a purchase.
3. 通“媾”。讲和 ([En.] make peace with a foreign country)
- 例如: 购于秦 (与秦国媾和; 向秦讲和)。
- For example: making peace with Qin (reaching an agreement with Qin).
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