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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

辞 stroke order animation

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辞 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 辞
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 辞
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Meaning of

bid farewell / diction / resign / say goodbye / take leave / decline
辞 cí 1. 告别。 - Bid farewell. 2. 不接受,请求离去。 - Decline, request to leave. 3. 躲避,推托。 - Avoid, make excuses. 4. 解雇。 - Dismiss. 5. 同“词”。 - Same as "word". 6. 优美的语言。 - Elegant language. 7. 讲话;告诉。 - Speak; inform. 8. 文体的一种。 - A type of literary form. 辞的用法: 1. 告别:告~。~诀。~行。~世。~别。 - Farewells: farewell speech, saying goodbye, parting from life, say goodbye. 2. 不接受,请求离去:~职。~呈。 - Refusal: resigning, declining a request. 3. 躲避,推托:不~辛苦。~让。~谢。推~。 - Avoidance: do not refuse hardships, decline, refuse thanks, make excuses. 4. 解雇:~退。 - Dismissal: to retire or be dismissed. 5. 同“词”。 - Same as "word." 6. 优美的语言:~藻。修~。 - Elegant language: literary embellishments, refined expression. 7. 讲话;告诉:“请~于军”。 - Speak; inform: "Please report to the military." 8. 文体的一种:~赋。陶渊明《归去来兮~》。 - A type of literary form: Ci writing; Tao Yuanming's poem "Return." 辞的更多用法: 作为名词: 1. 同本义 ([En.] legal case; lawsuit) - Legal case; lawsuit. 2. 口供 ([En.] oral confession) - Oral confession. 3. 言辞;文辞 ([En.] word; diction; speech; statement) - Words; diction; speech; statement. 4. 特指政令之词 ([En.] order) - Specifically referring to official words/orders. 5. 借口,口实 ([En.] excuses) - Excuses; pretexts. 6. 中国古代一种介于诗歌和散文之间的体裁,也叫赋,或辞赋并称 ([En.] Ci, a type of classical Chinese literature) - A classical genre of Chinese literature between poetry and prose, also known as "Fu". 7. 古体诗的一种 ([En.] Ci, a form of classical poetry) - A form of classical poetry. 作为动词: 1. 说讲 ([En.] speak; talk) - Speak; talk. 2. 辞别;告别 ([En.] bid farewell; say good-bye to) - Bid farewell; say good-bye to. 3. 推却不受 ([En.] decline) - Decline. 4. 审讯 ([En.] try) - Try (in the sense of court). 5. 遣去 ([En.] dispatch; expel) - Dispatch; expel. 6. 解雇,免职 ([En.] dismiss) - Dismiss; discharge.
hán hú qí cí
equivocation / talking vaguely
cí chéng
(written) resignation
gào cí
to say goodbye / to take one's leave
yǐn jiù cí zhí
to admit responsibility and resign
nán cí qí jiù
cannot escape censure (idiom) / has to bear the blame
cí qù
to resign / to quit
kuā dà qí cí
kāng kǎi chén cí
Generous remarks
cuò cí
wording / way of expressing something / turn of phrase / diction
cí diǎn
dictionary (of Chinese compound words) / also written 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3] / CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]
yáo cí
Line speech
shǎn shuò qí cí
cí zhí
to resign
cí zǎo
cí xiè
to decline gratefully
qiān cí
humble words / self-deprecatory expression / to modestly decline
bù cí xīn kǔ
to make nothing of hardships
tuī cí
to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)
退 cí tuì
to dismiss / to discharge / to fire
cí bié
to take leave
xiū cí
yì bù róng cí
not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom) / incumbent / bounden (duty)
zhì cí
to express in words or writing / to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc) / to address (an audience) / same as 致詞|致词
bài cí
take leave / say good-bye
wén cí
language / words
shuō cí
excuse / pretext / entreaties / arguments
cí xíng
to say goodbye / leave-taking / farewells
bù cí ér bié
to leave without saying good-bye
cí shì
to die / to depart this life (euphemism) / same as 去世
cí diào
to quit (one's job) / to dismiss (an employee)

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Pinyin ci2
Four Corner
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