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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

每 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

每 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 每
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 每
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Meaning of

Pinyin měi
each / every
每 [měi] 1. 指特定范围内的任何一个或一组。 (Refers to any one or group within a specific range.) 2. 指特定范围内逐一出现的任何一次。 (Refers to any occurrence one by one within a specific range.) 3. 虽。 (Even though.) 4. 古同“们”,中国宋元代口语。 (An ancient equivalent of "们," used in spoken language in the Song and Yuan dynasties of China.) 1. 指特定范围内的任何一个或一组:~人。~回。~组。 (Refers to any one or group within a specific range: every person, every time, every group.) 2. 指特定范围内逐一出现的任何一次:~战必胜。~况愈下。 (Refers to any occurrence one by one within a specific range: every battle will be won, every situation will improve.) 3. 虽:“~有良朋,况也永叹”(虽有良朋好友,危难之时也只能为之长叹)。 (Even: "Even if there are good friends, one can only sigh in difficult times.") 4. 古同“们”,中国宋元代口语。 (An ancient equivalent of "们," used in spoken language in the Song and Yuan dynasties of China.) 每 [měi] (形声。小篆字形,从屮( chè),母声。屮,草木初生。一说“每”为“母”的异体字。本义:草旺盛生长) 同本义 (Phonetic-compound character. The small seal script form comes from 屮 (chè), pronounced as "mother." There are theories suggesting that "每" is a variant of "母." The original meaning: flourishing grass.) 引 1. 《说文》:每,草盛上出也。 (In "Shuowen Jiezi": "每" refers to grass growing luxuriantly.) 2. 《左传·僖公二十八年》:舆人诵曰:原田每每。杜注:“晋军美盛,若原田之草每每然。” (In "Zuo Zhuan, Year 28 of Duke Xi": "The people recite: The original fields flourish." Du explains: "The Jin army is flourishing, just like the grass in the original fields.") 每 [měi] 副 1. 常常,经常 ([En.] often; frequently) 引 1. 明· 归有光《项脊轩志》:妪每次谓余曰。 (Ming Dynasty: Gui Youguang's "Record of the Xiangji Pavilion": "The old woman would often say to me.") 2. ·宗臣《宗子相先生集·报刘一丈书》:每大言曰。 (Zong Chen: "The collected works of Mr. Zongzi Xiang: He would often speak boldly.") 例 又如:每常间(往日,平常);春秋佳日,每作郊游 (For example: "every often" (in the past, usually); during spring and autumn, every occasion is for an outing.) 2. 每一次 ([En.] every time) 引 1. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:相如每朝。 (In "Records of the Grand Historian: Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru": "Xiangru every morning.") 2. 诸葛亮《出师表》:每与臣论。 (Zhuge Liang: "Memorial on the Deployment of Troops": "Each time I discuss with my ministers.") 3. 《资治通鉴·唐纪》:每得降卒。 (In "Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government: The Tang Record": "Each time he received surrendering soldiers.") 4. 明· 袁宏道《满井游记》:每冒风驰行。 (Ming Dynasty: Yuan Hongdao's "Travel Notes on the Full Well": "Each time he rushed through the wind.") 例 又如:他每到学校,总要来看我;月刊每逢15出版 (For example: "He always comes to see me whenever he arrives at school; the monthly magazine is published on the 15th of every month.") 每 [měi] 代 1. 各个 ([En.] every; each) 引 1. 宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》:每韵为一帖,木格贮之(意思是,把字按韵分类,分别放在木格里)。 (Song Dynasty: Shen Kuo's "Dream Pool Essays": "Each rhyme is a sheet, stored in wooden grids" (meaning the words are categorized by rhyme and placed in separate wooden slots).) 2. 宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》:每字为一印。 (Song Dynasty: Shen Kuo's "Dream Pool Essays": "Each character is a stamp.") 3. 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:每一巨弹。 (Qing Dynasty: Xue Fucheng's "Observations on Paris Oil Paintings": "Each giant shell.") 例 又如:每字有二十余印;每天;每一分钱;每星期五 (For example: "Each character has over twenty stamps; every day; every penny; every Friday.") 每 [měi] 助 1. 用在人称代词或名词后,表示复数 ([En.] plural) 引 1. 《儒林外史》:我每且去寻房子,再来会这些人。 (In "The Scholars": "I will go look for a house, and then come back to meet these people.") 例 又如:窗隔每(指多扇窗隔);桌椅每(很多桌椅);他每(他们) (For example: "window partitions" (referring to many window partitions); "tables and chairs" (many tables and chairs); "he each" (they).)
měi zhōu
every week
měi kuài
Per piece
měi tiān
every day / everyday
měi nián
every year / each year / yearly
měi kuàng yù xià
to steadily deteriorate
měi rì
daily / (soup etc) of the day
měi wǎn
měi yuè
each month
měi tǒng
per barrel
měi cì
every time
měi dāng
whenever / every time / on every
měi rén
each person / everybody / per person
měi měi
měi gǔ
per share
měi féng
every time / on each occasion / whenever
měi zhǒng
měi jiā
Each home
měi miǎo
per second
měi hù
Per household
měi chǎng
each / every / per
měi wèi
everyone / each person
měi hé
Per box
měi mǔ
Per mu
měi gè
each / apiece / each and every

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Pinyin mei3
Four Corner
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