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鶩 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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鶩 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鶩
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鶩
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Meaning of

鶩 wù 1. 家鴨。 (En.) Domestic duck. 2. 游水。 (En.) Swim. 3. 同“䨁”。雛雀。 (En.) Same as "䨁". Nestling bird. 4. 通“鶩”。奔馳。 (En.) Commonly understood as "gallop". 5. 引申為追求。 (En.) Extended meaning as to seek for. --- 鶩 wù [名] 【本义】: 野鴨 (En.) [Noun] [Original Meaning]: Wild duck. 【造字法】: 形聲。从鳥,敄( wù )聲。 (En.) [Character Formation]: Phonetic compound, composed of bird and the sound 'wù'. 1. 同本義 (En.) [Same as original meaning]: Wild duck. 引: (En.) Citations: 1. 《太平御覽》引《說文》:鶩,野鳧也。 (En.) In "Taiping Yulan", it quotes "Shuowen": "鶩, wild duck". 2. 《禮記·曲禮下》:庶人之摯匹。 疏引李巡:「鳧,家鴨名;鶩,野鴨名。」 (En.) In "Liji", it refers to common people's spouses. Exegesis refers to Li Xun: "鳧 is the name for domestic duck; 鶩 is the name for wild duck." 3. 賈誼《春秋》:鄒穆公有令,食鳧鴈者必以粃。 (En.) In Jia Yi's "Spring and Autumn," it states that the orders of Duke Mu of Zou required husked wheat for those who eat duck and geese. 4. 唐· 王勃《滕王閣序》:落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色。 (En.) From Wang Bo's "Tengwang Pavilion Prelude": "The setting sun and the solitary wild duck fly together, autumn waters mirror the long sky." 2. 家鴨 (En.) [Domestic duck]: 引: (En.) Citations: 1. 清· 徐珂《清稗類鈔·戰事類》:寨中人又鶩伏焉。 (En.) In Qing's "Qingbai Series": "People in the camp were also hiding like ducks." 例: (En.) Examples: 如: 鶩列 (ducks lined up); 鶩舲 (a small boat shaped like a duck); 鶩溏 (a disease where feces resemble duck droppings); 鶩沒 (like a duck diving underwater). --- 鶩 wù [動] 1. 奔馳。通「鶩」 (En.) [Verb] (1) Gallop, commonly understood as "鶩". 例: (En.) Examples: 如: 鶩置 (to gallop swiftly conveying news); 鶩行 (to gallop). 2. 引申爲追求 (En.) [Extended meaning]: (1) Seek for. 例: (En.) Examples: 如: 好高鶩遠 (to aspire to high and distant goals); 鶩新 (to seek novelty). 3. 游水 (En.) [Swim]: 引: (En.) Citation: 1. 清· 吳趼人《痛史》:領水兵十餘人,鶩水直抵南岸。 (En.) In "Historical Accounts of Pain" by Wu Jianren: "Leading over ten water soldiers, we swam straight to the southern shore." --- (*Quoted from Traditional Chinese dictionary explanation) (一)之又音。 (En.) (1) Another phonetic variant.

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