Learn to write the Chinese character "閹" by watching the stroke order animation of "閹".
Stroke by Stroke: 閹 Writing Order
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閹 (yān)
1. 被閹割的人。古代常用來看守宮門,後為太監的通稱。
(A person who has been castrated. In ancient times, often used to guard palace gates, later referred to as eunuchs.)
2. 閹割。
3. 泛指摘除雄性動物的生殖腺。
(Generally refers to the removal of male animals' reproductive glands.)
4. 門扇;門扉。
(Door panel; door leaf.)
5. 遏制,壓抑。
(Restraining, repressing.)
6. 曲意逢迎。
(Cunningly flattering.)
1. 被閹割的人。古代常用來看守宮門,後為太監的通稱。《国語•晋語二》:“(獻)公令閹楚刺重耳,重耳逃於翟。”
(A person who has been castrated. In ancient times, often employed to guard palace gates, later became a general term for eunuchs. "The Lord ordered the eunuchs to assassinate Zhong Er, but Zhong Er escaped to Zhai.")
2. 閹割。《後漢書•宦者傳序》:“宦官悉用閹人,不復雜調它士。”
(Castration. "In the Book of Han, it states that the eunuchs employed only castrated men, no longer mixing with other officials.")
3. 泛指摘除雄性動物的生殖腺。如:閹雞;閹豬。掩閉。《爾雅•釋天》:“(太歲)在戌曰閹茂。”
(Generally refers to the removal of male animals' reproductive glands. For example: castrated chickens; castrated pigs.)
4. 門扇;門扉。《墨子•迎敵祠》:“設守門,二人掌右閹,二人掌左閹。”
(Door panel; door leaf. "In Mozi, it says to set up guards at the gates, with two men in charge of the right door panel and two men in charge of the left.")
5. 遏制,壓抑。《墨子•迎敵祠》:“静夜聞鼓聲而謲,所以閹客之氣也。”
(Restraining, repressing. "In Mozi, it states that hearing the drum sound at night is a way to suppress the atmosphere of the guests.")
6. 曲意逢迎。《孟子•盡心下》:“閹然媚於世也者,是鄉原也。”
(Cunningly flattering. "In the Book of Mencius, it states that those who flatter the world are just people from the countryside.")
閹 (yān)
本义: 被閹割的人。古代常用來看守宮門
(Original meaning: A person who has been castrated. In ancient times, often used to guard palace gates.)
造字法: 會意。从門,从奄,奄亦聲。
(Character formation: A combination of meaning. 'Door' and 'yān', which also indicates sound.)
同本義 ([En.] eunuch)
(Synonyms: eunuch)
(Specifically refers to eunuchs.)
(Fang Bao states: The guards were extremely strict against eunuchs; even household servants could not approach.)
又如: 閹君(主領宮內太監的官);閹奴(指太監);閹豎(太監的賤稱。豎,供役使的人);閹黨(依附閹官太監而結成的黨派);閹官(由太監充任官員的賤稱);閹豎(太監的賤稱);閹兒(蔑稱宦官);閹寺(宦官);閹使(出使的太監);閹狗(罵太監的話);閹尹(太監頭頭)
(For example: Eunuch lord (official who leads palace eunuchs); eunuch slave (refers to eunuchs); eunuch boy (derogatory term for eunuchs); eunuch faction (a party formed adhering to eunuchs); eunuch officer (derogatory term for officials filled by eunuchs); eunuch boy (derogatory term for eunuchs); eunuch child (derogatory term for eunuchs); eunuch temple (eunuchs); eunuch envoy (eunuch on a mission); eunuch dog (an insulting term for eunuchs); eunuch leader (head of the eunuchs).)
閹 (yān)
閹割 ([En.] castrate)
(In the Book of Han: Eunuchs used only castrated men.)
又如: 閹侍(被閹過的奴僕。也稱閹奴、閹閽);閹潔(割除動物的睾丸或卵巢)
(For example: Eunuch servant (a slave who has been castrated. Also known as eunuch slaves or eunuch attendants); castration (removing an animal's testicles or ovaries).)
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