Learn to write the Chinese character "冒" by watching the stroke order animation of "冒".
Stroke by Stroke: 冒 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '冒' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '冒' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '冒' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '冒'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
冒 (mào)
1. 向外透或往上升: emit or rise outward.
- 冒烟: smoke rises.
- 冒汗: to sweat.
- 冒尖: to be pointed upward.
2. 不顾(恶劣的环境或危险等),顶着: to disregard (harsh conditions or dangers) and face them.
- 冒雨: face the rain.
- 冒险: take risks.
- 冒死: risk one's life.
3. 不加小心,鲁莽,冲撞: to act carelessly, recklessly, or collide.
- 冒失: act rashly.
- 冒昧: to be presumptuous.
- 冒进: to rush in without regard for conditions.
4. 用假的充当真的,假托: to pretend or act as if something false is true.
- 冒牌: fake brand.
- 冒充: to impersonate.
- 冒名顶替: to substitute someone else's name with one's own.
5. 复盖: to cover.
- 先设一铁板,其上以松脂、蜡和纸灰之类冒之: first set a metal plate and cover it with rosin, wax, and paper ash.
6. 贪污: to embezzle.
- 贪于饮食,冒于货贿: greedy in food and embezzling bribes.
7. 古同“帽”: an ancient character that means "hat."
8. 古同“瑁”,玳瑁: an ancient character referring to "tortoise shell."
9. 姓: a surname.
冒 (mào) as a verb (动)
1. 戴帽: to wear a hat.
- 山东之卒被甲冒胄以会战: soldiers in Shandong wearing armor and helmets for battle.
2. 贪求,不知满足地追求: to be greedy for, to pursue without satisfaction.
- 船人冒利: boatmen greedy for profit.
3. 盖蒙: to cover.
- 下土是冒: the soil is covered.
4. 不顾;顶着: disregarding or facing risks.
- 冒风驰行: to ride quickly in the wind.
5. 向外透;往上升: to emit or rise outward.
- 冒忿: to vent anger; 冒烟: to emit smoke.
6. 假冒: to impersonate.
- 冒其未死: pretended not to be dead.
7. 侵犯;违犯: to encroach on or violate.
- 习俗薄恶,民人抵冒: customs are weak and people infringe.
8. 蒙受;承受: to suffer from or endure.
- 冒恩: to bear grace.
9. 通“媢”: to envy.
10. 通“懋”: to encourage.
冒 (mào) as an adjective (形)
1. 冒失;冒昧: boldly or rashly.
- 此数者用兵之患也,而操皆冒行之: this suggests the need for caution in military matters.
2. 另见 mò: see also mò.
冒 (mò)
1. 〔~顿(dú)〕: a title of a leader of the Xiongnu tribe during the early Han dynasty of China.
Note: "冒" can also be read as "mò" in other contexts.
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