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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

网 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

网 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 网
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 网
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin wǎng
net / network, a net
网 wǎng [noun] 1. 用绳、线等结成的捕鱼捉鸟的器具。 [En.] A tool made of ropes, threads, etc., used for fishing and catching birds. 2. 形状像网的东西。 [En.] Something that resembles a net in shape. 3. 像网一样的纵横交错的组织或系统。 [En.] An organization or system that is interlaced like a net. 4. 用网捕捉。 [En.] To catch using a net. 5. 像网似的笼罩着。 [En.] To envelop or shroud like a net. 【引】 1 《说文》:网,庖牺所结绳以渔。 [En.] "Net" refers to the ropes used for fishing in "Shuo Wen." 2 《广雅》:网,谓之罟。 [En.] In "Guang Ya," the net is referred to as "gu." 3 《盐铁论·刑德》:网疏则兽失。 [En.] "If the net is too loose, the beast escapes." 例: 鱼网 (fishing net); 网户 (fishing household); 网密 (fine mesh); 网丝 (spider web); 网虫 (referring to spiders); 网罛 (fishing net); 网罭 (fishing net). 【动】 1. 用网捕鱼。 [En.] To fish using a net. 2. 比喻笼罩。 [En.] To metaphorically envelop or shroud. 3. 搜罗; 收容。 [En.] To gather together; to accommodate. 【引】 1 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记》:有村氓数十家,俱网罟为业。 [En.] "There are dozens of peasant families relying on fishing as their trade." 例: 网了一条鱼 (caught a fish with a net); 网利 (to gain benefits for oneself). 总结: “网”在字义上主要作为名词指形状或功能类似于网的工具或事物,并作为动词表达捕捉和包围的动作。
yǔ wǎng ba
Yu Internet Cafe
wǎng yǒu
online friend / Internet user
Yīn tè wǎng
wǎng zhǐ
website / web address / URL
wǎng tán
jú yù wǎng
local area network (LAN)
wǎng jīn
Net towel
wǎng bā
Internet café
tiān wǎng huī huī
lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73) / fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape / you can't run from the long arm of the law
xìn xī wǎng
information network
wǎng luò yóu xì
online game
lán wǎng
to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc) / to block
wǎng dōu
tuck net / string bag
wǎng jù
netting gear
Wǎng yì
liǎng tiān shài wǎng
Two days
yú wǎng
fishing net / fishnet
guàn gài wǎng
Irrigation Net
lòu wǎng zhī yú
a fish that escaped the net (idiom) / (fig.) sb or sth that slips through the net
gōng zhòng wǎng
public network
wǎng luò bǎn
online edition / web edition
wǎng zhuàng
reticulation / mesh / web / mesh pattern / nets
wǎng qiú
tennis / tennis ball / CL:個|个[ge4]
wǎng yǐn
Internet addiction / net addiction / web addiction
wǎng zhàn
website / network station / node
Hù lián wǎng
hù lián wǎng luò
wǎng luò
network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)
jīng wěi wǎng
wǎng luò huà
networking / networked / webified
wǎng luò xì tǒng
network system
wǎng luò zī yuán
network resource / net resource / cyber source
wǎng luò guǎn lǐ
network management
wǎng yè
web page
wǎng shàng
wǎng mín
web user / netizen
shàng wǎng
to go online / to connect to the Internet / (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet / (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net
hé wǎng
river network / drainage network / a network of waterways / hydrographic net
Rén mín wǎng
online version of the People's Daily, 人民日報|人民日报[Ren2 min2 Ri4 bao4]
gōng lù wǎng
road network
gāo sù gōng lù wǎng
expressway network
wǎng diǎn
node in a network / branch / website
wǎng zhào
gauze / mesh enclosure
shì wǎng mó
zhū wǎng
spider web / cobweb
zhū wǎng mó
arachnoid / arachnoid membrane / arachnoidea (pl. arachnoideae)

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Input Method for
Pinyin wang3
Four Corner
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