Learn to write the Chinese character "貓" by watching the stroke order animation of "貓".
Stroke by Stroke: 貓 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '貓' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '貓' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '貓' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '貓'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 家貓,久已被人類馴養的一種食肉類動物 ([En.] cat),通常被認爲是一個獨立的種,雖然可能是由幾種舊大陸的小型野貓的雜交後代中通過自然選擇而最後衍生的,有一些變種,主要的區別在於皮毛的長短,體形以及尾的有無
(1) In English: House cat, a carnivorous animal that has long been domesticated by humans ([En.] cat), usually regarded as a distinct species, although it may have originated from a hybrid of several small wildcats from the Old World through natural selection, with some variations primarily distinguished by coat length, body shape, and the presence or absence of a tail.
引: 《禮記》:迎貓,爲其食田鼠也。
(Reference: "The Book of Rites": Welcome the cat to catch field mice.)
- 貓兒眼 (Gem name, also known as "cat's eye stone". Named for its crystalline transparency resembling a cat's eye.)
- 貓虎 (The hybrid of cat and tiger, historically thought to be beneficial to agriculture.)
- 貓兒食 (Refers to a small appetite and erratic eating times.)
- 貓尿 (Dialect term for alcohol, expressing disdain or sarcasm.)
2. 狸貓,亦稱「山貓」 ([En.] leopard cat).
(2) In English: Leopard cat, also known as "mountain cat."
- 貓狸 (A type of raccoon, commonly referred to as wild cat.)
- 貓猴 (A type of mammal.)
3. 姓 (Surname).
(3) In English: A surname.
1. 〈方〉∶躲藏 ([En.] hide).
(1) In English: To hide.
- 貓冬 (Hiding at home during winter.)
- 貓月子 (Postpartum confinement.)
- 貓蹲 (To idly stay at home; after returning from the front lines, he has been lounging at home.)
2. 另見 máo (See máo).
(Same as "猫".)
1. 〈方〉∶彎曲 ([En.] arch).
(1) In English: To arch.
2. 另見 māo (See māo).
- 小偷貓腰鑽過橋洞外的鐵絲網跑了 (The thief arched his waist and slipped through the wire mesh outside the bridge hole and ran away.)
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