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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

醮 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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醮 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 醮
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 醮
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiào
perform sacrifice
醮 [jiào] 名 1. 古代婚娶时用酒祭神的礼。 (An ancient ceremonial practice of using wine to sacrifice to deities during weddings.) 2. 道士设坛念经做法事。 (A Taoist sacrificial ceremony where a Taoist priest sets up an altar to chant scriptures and perform rituals.) 引 1. 《说文》:醮,冠娶礼祭。按,酌而无酬酢曰醮。 (Xu Shen's "Shuowen Jiezi": 'Jiao' refers to sacrifices made during weddings; it refers to drinking without reciprocity.) 2. 《仪礼·士冠礼》:若不醴则醮用酒。 (The "Rites of Zhou": If there is no sweet wine, then use ordinary wine for the ceremony.) 3. 《礼记·昏义》:父亲醮子而命之迎。 (The "Book of Rites": The father offers wine to his son and advises him to go greet the bride.) 例 又如: 醮辞(古代举行冠礼时,父亲酌酒使其子饮用时所念的祝辞); 醮酒(奠酒;敬酒); 醮坛(为祭祀或祈祷神祗所设的台) (For example: Jiao Ci (the words said by the father during the wedding ceremony when offering wine to his son); Jiao Jiu (sacrificial wine); Jiao Tan (the altar set up for sacrifices or prayers).) 动 1. 嫁 (To marry.) 引 1. 《聊斋志异》:未嫁而丧二夫,故十九犹未醮也。 (In "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio": Having lost two husbands without marrying again, she is still unmarried at nineteen.) 例 又如: 再醮; 改醮(已婚妇女再嫁); 醮命(嫁女的使命); 醮妇(再嫁妇女) (For example: Zai Jiao (remarrying); Gai Jiao (remarrying a previously married woman); Jiao Ming (the mission of giving a daughter in marriage); Jiao Fu (a woman who remarries).) 2. 独酌而醉 (To drink alone to the point of intoxication.) 引 1. 明· 郎瑛《七修类稿》:主人进酒于客曰酬,客酌主人曰酢,独酌而醉曰醮。 (In "Seven Miscellaneous Drafts": When the host serves wine to the guest, it's called 'chou'; when the guest serves to the host, it's called 'zu'; drinking alone until intoxicated is called 'jiao'.) 形 1. 尽,尤指水尽;酒饮尽 (Exhausted, especially in reference to water or wine being consumed completely.) 引 1. 《荀子·礼论》:利爵之不醮也。 (In "Xunzi": The loss of interest in ranked positions is due to exhaustion.) 2. 贫穷,财尽 (Poor, having exhausted one’s wealth.) 引 1. 《醒世姻缘传》:丢这们些银子,弄得手里醮醮的,我有不替你买得么? (In "Awakening of the World": After losing that amount of silver, I'm left with nothing; could I not buy something for you?)
zhāi jiào
Taoist rites

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Input Method for
Pinyin jiao4
Four Corner
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