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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

矫 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

矫 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 矫
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 矫
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiǎo、 jiáo
dissemble / rectify
矫 jiǎo 1. 纠正,把弯曲的弄直。 [En.] Correct, straighten a curved object. 2. 假托。 [En.] Pretend, feign. 3. 强壮,勇武。 [En.] Strong, valiant. 4. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 1. 纠正,把弯曲的弄直:~正。~形。~治。~世(矫正世俗)。~情(故意违反常态,表示与众不同)。~枉过正。 [En.] Correcting and straightening a curved object: straighten; correct the shape; rectify; correct secular errors; deviate from the norm intentionally. 2. 假托:~命。~诏。~虔(官吏假托上命掠夺百姓的财物)。 [En.] Feigning: feigned order; feigned decree; feigned piety (officials feigning orders to plunder the people). 3. 强壮,勇武:~健。~捷。~~(a.勇武的样子;b.出众的样子)。 [En.] Strong, valiant: vigorous; agile; (a. a brave appearance; b. a distinguished appearance). 4. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 1. 把弯曲的物体弄直 ([En.] straighten) 引例: 《广雅》:矫,直也。 [En.] "Guangya": to be straight. 2. 匡正;纠正 ([En.] correct) 引例: 《荀子·性恶》:以矫饰人之情性而正之。 [En.] "Xunzi": to correct people's nature and emotions. 3. 假托;诈称 ([En.] pretend) 引例: 《谷梁传·宣公十五年》:矫王命以杀之。 [En.] "Guliang Zhuan": feigning the king's order to kill him. 4. 高举 ([En.] lift up) 引例: 《楚辞·惜诵》:矫茲媚以私处兮。 [En.] "Chuci": lifting up and showing off. 5. 拂逆,违背 ([En.] violate) 引例: 以矫俗干名。 [En.] Violating customs for fame. 6. 飞([En.] fly) 引例: 矫,飞也。《广雅·释估三》 [En.] "Guangya": to fly. 形: 勇武的样子 ([En.] outstanding) 引例: 《诗·鲁颂·泮水》:矫矫虎臣。 [En.] "Shijing": a valiant tiger lord. 方言,指强词夺理,无理取闹,如“这个人太~~”,(“情”读轻声)。 [En.] Dialect, refers to being unreasonable or making baseless arguments, for example, "this person is too..." (with "情" pronounced lightly).
yāo jiǎo
Yao Jiao
jiǎo jié
vigorous and nimble / athletic
jiǎo róu zào zuò
pretension / affectation / putting on artificial airs
jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng
to overcorrect (idiom) / to overcompensate
jiǎo zhì
to correct (e.g. sight or hearing) / to rectify / to cure
jiǎo qíng
affected / unnatural / pretentious
jiǎo xíng
orthopedic (e.g. surgery)
jiǎo shì
dissemble / feign in order to conceal sth.

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Input Method for
Pinyin jiao3
Four Corner
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