Learn to write the Chinese character "矩" by watching the stroke order animation of "矩".
Stroke by Stroke: 矩 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '矩' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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【本义】: 矩尺,画直角或方形的工具
[Original Meaning]: The carpenter's square, a tool for drawing right angles or squares.
【造字法】: 本字作巨,今字作矩。形声。从矢,巨声。
[Character Formation]: The original character was written as 巨, and now as 矩. It is a phono-semantic compound, consisting of the component 矢 (arrow) and the phonetic 巨.
【同本义】 ([En.] carpenter’s square)
1. 同本义 ([En.] carpenter’s square)
1. 《离骚》:求榘鉴之所同。
[Quote]: From "Li Sao": "Seeking the commonality of the carpenter's square."
2. 《孟子·离娄上》:不以规矩,不能成方员。
[Quote]: From "Mencius": "Without rules and standards, one cannot create a square."
又如: 矩墨(曲尺及绳墨。比喻准则、规矩);矩周规值(形容如规之相周,矩之相袭);矩度(泛指计量长度和角度的用具);矩绳(曲尺与墨绳。比喻规矩法则)
[Example]: Such as 矩墨 (a carpenter's square and line, metaphor for standards and rules), 矩周规值 (describing adherence to rules), 矩度 (generally referring to measuring tools for length and angles), 矩绳 (carpenter's square and line, metaphor for laws and standards).
【法度】 ([En.] rule)
2. 法度 ([En.] rule)
1. 《论语·为政》:七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。
[Quote]: From "The Analects": "At seventy, I can follow my heart's desires without transgressing the bounds."
又如: 矩法(规矩法则);矩则(规章法则);矩设(按规矩设置);矩诲(以规矩法度教诲);矩鑊(规矩法度)
[Example]: Such as 矩法 (rules and regulations), 矩则 (rules), 矩设 (set according to standards), 矩诲 (educate based on standards), 矩鑊 (rules and regulations).
【力和力臂的乘积】 ([En.] moment)
3. 力和力臂的乘积 ([En.] moment)
如: 力矩
[Example]: Such as 力矩 (moment).
【方形】 ([En.] square)
4. 方形 ([En.] square)
1. 《广雅》:榘,方也。
[Quote]: From "Guang Ya": "Carpenter's square means square."
2. 《周髀算经》:员出于方,方出于矩,矩出于九九八十一。故折矩以为句广三、股修四,径隅五。
[Quote]: From "Zhou Bi Suan Jing": "Circle comes from square, square comes from carpenter’s square..."
又如: 矩形; 矩坐(围成方形而坐); 矩步(比喻行动谨慎,举步皆合于法度)
[Example]: Such as 矩形 (rectangle), 矩坐 (sit in a square formation), 矩步 (metaphor for cautious behavior that adheres to rules).
【指秋季】 ([En.] summer)
5. 指秋季 ([En.] summer)
如: 矩杀(谓秋季万物凋落)
[Example]: Such as 矩杀 (referring to autumn's withering of all things).
【另见 ju】
6. 另见 ju
[See also: ju]
——见“规矩” (guīju)
—— See "规矩" (guīju)
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