Learn to write the Chinese character "據" by watching the stroke order animation of "據".
Stroke by Stroke: 據 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '據' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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sickness of hand, act in accordance with / seize, according to / to act in accordance with / to depend on / to seize / to occupy
1. 依靠,依從。
(To rely on; to comply.)
2. 按着。
(To press.)
3. 定;安。
(To settle; to establish.)
4. 依照,根據。
(According to; based on.)
5. 占有,占據,處於。
(To occupy; to seize; to be located in.)
6. 證明;憑證。
(To prove; evidence.)
7. 援;引;引證。
(To cite; to quote; to refer to.)
8. 跨;蹲。
(To straddle; to squat.)
9. 古西域的長度單位,相當於晉代的十裡。
(An ancient measurement unit in the Western Regions, equivalent to ten li in the Jin dynasty.)
10. 有形貌。也作“蘧”。
(To have a shape or appearance; also written as 蘧.)
11. 介詞。表示依據的物件或方式,相當於“依”。
(A preposition indicating an object or method based on which something is done, similar to "according to.")
12. 姓。
(A surname.)
Examples of usage:
- 占有、占守 (To occupy; to hold.)
- 按照、依照 (According to; based on.)
- 可作为凭证的事物 (Things that can be used as evidence.)
- 割據、竊據、據為己有 (To engage in secession, to steal, to claim as one's own.)
- 依据、根据、引经据典 (To depend on; based on; to quote classical texts.)
- 借據、收據、真凭实据 (Loan certificates, receipts, true evidence.)
Definitions (Detailed):
1. 依靠,依從。《説文•手部》:“據,杖持也。”《廣韻•御韻》:“據,依也。”
(To rely on; to follow. [Shuowen] "To lean on a staff." [Guangyun] "To depend on.")
2. 按着。《廣雅•釋詁三》:“據,按也。”《廣韻•御韻》:“據,案也。”
(To press down. [Guangya] "To press." [Guangyun] "To press down.")
3. 定;安。《方言》卷六:“據,定也。”
(To settle. [Dialect] "To settle down.")
4. 依照,根據。《論語•述而》:“志於道,據於德,依於仁,遊於藝。”
(According to; based on. [Analects] "Aspire to the Way, depend on virtue, rely on kindness, and play in the arts.")
5. 占有,占據,處於。《國語•晋語一》:“今不據其安,不可謂能謀。”
(To occupy; to hold. [Guoyu] "If one cannot occupy one's own stability, one cannot plan.")
6. 證明;憑證。宋岳珂《桯史•部胥增損文書》:“憲命以成案錄為據,付之。”
(To prove; evidence. [Song] "The law orders that the completed records serve as evidence.")
7. 援;引;引證。《廣韻•御韻》:“據,引也。”《正字通•手部》:“據,援也。”
(To refer to; to quote. [Guangyun] "To quote." [Zhengzitong] "To cite.")
8. 跨;蹲。唐薛收《琵琶賦》:“龜腹鳳頸,熊據龍旋。”
(To straddle; to squat. [Tang] "To straddle like a turtle and a phoenix neck.")
9. 古西域的長度單位,相當於晉代的十裡。《水經注•河水》:“(迦維羅衛國)王田去宫一據。據者,晋言十里也。”
(An ancient measurement unit in the Western Regions, equivalent to ten li in the Jin dynasty.)
10. 有形貌。也作“蘧”。《集韻•御韻》:“蘧,有形皃。《莊子》:‘覺則蘧蘧然。’或作據。”
(To have a shape or appearance; also written as 蘧. In Zhuangzi: "When one is aware, it appears as such.")
11. 介詞。表示依據的物件或方式,相當於“依”。如:據理力爭;據估計。《史記集解•序》:“司馬遷據《左氏》、《國語》,釆《世本》、《戰國策》,述楚、漢春秋,接其後事,訖于天漢。”
(A preposition indicating the object or method of reliance, akin to "according to.")
12. 姓。《續通志•氏族略七》:“據,明據成,刻漏博士。”
(A surname.)
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