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獨 stroke order animation

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 獨
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Meaning of

alone / independent / single / sole / only
獨 dú 1. 單一,只有一個。 (Only one; single.) 2. 老而無子。 (Elderly without children.) 3. 難道,豈。 (Could it possibly be...; does it mean...) 4. 〔~孤〕複姓。 (A compound surname, "Du.") 獨 dú 1. 單一,只有一個:~唱。~立。~霸。~裁。~創。~特。~闢蹊徑(喻獨創新風格或新方法)。~具慧眼(形容眼光敏銳,見解高超)。 (Single, only one: solo singing, standing alone, monopolizing, sole decision-making, independent creation, unique, breaking new paths (metaphor for creating a new style or method), possessing keen insight (describing sharp vision and exceptional insight).) 2. 老而無子:鰥寡孤~。 (Elderly without children: widowers and orphans.) 3. 難道,豈:「君~不見夫趣(趨)市者乎?」 (Could it possibly be...: "Do you not see the one who is going to the market?") 4. 〔~孤〕複姓。 (A compound surname, "Du.") 獨 dú 〈形〉 【本义】: 單獨; 單一 ([The original meaning]: alone; single) 【造字法】: 形聲。从犬,蜀聲。犬性好鬥,多獨居,故字從犬。 ([Character formation]: Phonetic combination. From "dog", the sound of "Shu". Dogs are aggressive and often solitary, hence the character is formed with "dog".) 1. 同本義 ([En.] lonely; single; only) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《說文》:獨,犬相得而鬥也。羊爲羣,犬爲獨也。 段玉裁注:「犬好鬥,好鬥則獨而不羣。」 (Shuowen: "Dú, dogs gather and fight. Sheeps are in flocks, dogs are solitary." Duan Yucai's note: "Dogs are aggressive and solitary.") 2 《禮記·禮器》:君子慎其獨也。 (The Book of Rites: "The gentleman is cautious when alone.") 3 《禮記·儒行》:儒有特立而獨行。 (The Book of Rites: "Confucians are distinguished and remain independent.") 4 《詩·邶風·擊鼓》:我獨南行。 (The Book of Songs: "I traveled south alone.") 5 《莊子·養生主》:天之生是使獨也。 (Zhuangzi: "Heaven's creation is meant to be alone.") 6 《楚辭·屈原·涉江》:哀吾生之無樂兮,幽獨處乎山中。 (Chu Ci: "Pity that my life is without joy, living in solitude in the mountains.") 7 唐· 柳宗元《捕蛇者說》:吾以捕蛇獨存。 (Tang Dynasty, Liu Zongyuan: "I exist only to catch snakes.") 8 南朝 宋· 鮑照《代放歌行》:君今何疾,臨路獨遲迴。 (Southern Dynasties, Song Dynasty, Bao Zhao: "Why do you now hasten, only to linger alone by the road?") 9 宋· 王安石《懷元度》:不見祕書心若失,百年衰病獨登臺。 (Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi: "Not seeing my heart as if lost, I ascend the platform alone after a hundred years of decline.") 【例】 (Examples) 又如: 獨角兕(一種獨角的犀牛); 獨根孤種(獨生子); 獨幅(性格孤僻,不合羣); 獨腳腿(孤立無援的人); 獨院; 獨家院 (For instance: unicorn (a type of one-horned rhinoceros); sole heir (only child); solitary personality (not fitting in with a group); an isolated person; a private yard; a sole proprietorship.) 獨 dú 1. 獨特 ([En.] only) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《呂氏春秋·制樂》:聖人所獨見,衆人焉知其極? (Lüshi Chunqiu: "The sage's unique insight, how can the masses know its extent?") 【例】 (Examples) 又如: 獨步(超羣出衆,獨一無二); 獨拔(超衆,特出); 獨絕(獨一無二; 無與倫比); 獨智(過人的才能; 獨特的智慧); 獨照(獨特的眼光) (For instance: unrivaled (peerless); exceptional (outstanding); unique (second to none; unparalleled); unique wisdom (extraordinary talent; distinctive wisdom); unique vision (uncommon insight).) 獨 dú 〈副〉 1. 獨自 ([En.] alone; only; all by oneself; singly). 【例】 (Examples) 如: 獨有(獨自安慰); 獨罟(獨吞; 獨佔。罟: 網的總稱); 獨擅(獨攬; 獨佔。擅: 擁有; 據有); 獨吃自痾(喻指顧己不顧人,一人獨吞。痾: 即「屙」,拉屎撒尿); 獨樂(獨自欣賞音樂); 獨覺(一人獨睡); 獨吟(獨自吟詩); 獨言(一人自言); 獨笑(獨自喜笑; 自樂); 獨專(單獨佔有); 獨懷(獨自思念); 獨寫(獨自抒發); 獨撫(獨自安慰); 獨說(獨自解說); 獨用(單獨使用) (For instance: solely offering comfort; monopolizing (to take everything for oneself); handling alone (without others); self-care without concern for others; enjoying music all alone; sleeping alone; reciting poetry alone; talking to oneself; laughing by oneself; monopolizing ownership; missing someone privately; expressing feelings alone; comforting oneself; explaining in solitude; using alone.) 2. 特,特別地 ([En.] very; especially) 【例】 (Examples) 又如: 獨慘(特慘); 獨甚(特甚) (For instance: particularly tragic; especially so.) 3. 唯獨,僅僅 ([En.] only) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《史記·老子韓非列傳》:子所言者,其人與骨皆已朽矣,獨其言在耳。 (Records of the Grand Historian: "What you say, both man and bones have perished, only your words remain.") 2 宋· 沈括《夢溪筆談》:謝靈運爲 永嘉守,凡 永嘉山水,遊歷殆遍,獨不言此山。 (Song, Shen Kuo: "Xie Lingyun was the governor of Yongjia; he had traveled throughout Yongjia's mountains and rivers, except he did not speak of this mountain.") 3 《紅樓夢》:不獨是城裏姓賈的多,外省姓 賈的也不少。 (Dream of the Red Chamber: "It's not just that many people in the city have the surname Jia; many in other provinces do as well.") 4 周立波《卜春秀》:別人來得,獨你來不得。 (Zhou Libo: "Others can come, but only you cannot.") 【例】 (Examples) 又如: 獨言(只說); 獨獨(唯獨; 獨自一個); 獨說(唯獨喜歡。說,通「悅」); 獨得(只得到); 獨惟(唯獨; 只有); 獨知(僅一人知道); 獨樹(一株樹; 一根木); 獨拍(單掌拍擊); 獨見(堅持己見,固守節操) (For instance: to say only; only; to say exclusively (to be particularly fond of); to obtain only; only; known by one; a solitary tree; a single clap; to maintain one's own views firmly.) 4. 豈,難道 ([En.] could it possibly be...; does it mean...) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《詩·小雅·何草不黃》:獨爲匪民? (Book of Songs: "Could it be that you are gaining benefit from the criminals?") 2 《史記·廉頗藺相如列傳》:相如雖駑,獨畏 廉將軍哉。 (Records of the Grand Historian: "Though Xiangru may be dull, does he fear General Lian?") 3 《聊齋志異》:兄不能威,獨不能斷「出」耶? (Liaozhai: "If the brother cannot be feared, could it be that he cannot decide 'out'?") 獨 dú 〈名〉 1. 無子孫的老人 ([En.] old people without offspring) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《孟子·梁惠王下》:老而無子曰獨。 (Mencius: "Elderly without children is called 'dú'.") 2 《禮記》:矜寡孤獨廢疾者皆有所養。 (Book of Rites: "Orphans, widowers, the lonely and the disabled should all be taken care of.") 3 漢· 董仲舒《春秋繁露》:存幼孤,矜寡獨。 (Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu: "Caring for the young and alone, and those who are old and isolated.") 【例】 (Examples) 又如: 鰥寡孤獨 (For example: a widower or orphan.) 2. 無丈夫的婦女 ([En.] widow) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《後漢書》:鄉族貧者,死亡則爲具殯葬,嫠獨則助營妻娶。 (History of the Later Han: "For the poor in the village, death requires proper burial; widows should be helped to remarry.") 3. 姓 (Surname.) 獨 dú 〈動〉 1. 專斷; 獨裁 ([En.] act arbitrarily) 【引】 (Reference) 1 《莊子·人間世》:回聞 衛君,其年壯,其行獨。 (Zhuangzi: "I heard that Lord Wei is young but acts independently.") 【例】 (Examples) 又如: 獨斷 (For instance: to act arbitrarily.)

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