Learn to write the Chinese character "峽" by watching the stroke order animation of "峽".
Stroke by Stroke: 峽 Writing Order
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【本义】: 兩山夾水處
[Basic meaning]: A waterway between two mountains.
【造字法】: 形聲。從山,夾聲。
[Character formation]: Phono-semantic. Composed of the radical for mountain and a phonetic element.
1. 《文選•左思〈蜀都賦〉》:“經三峽之峥嶸。”
[Quote]: "Traveling through the grandeur of the Three Gorges."
2. 《淮南子•原道》:“逍遥于廣澤之中,而仿洋于山峽之旁。”
[Quote]: "Feelings of leisure amidst vast marshes, while conforming to the mountain gorge alongside."
3. 王維《桃源行》:“峽裏誰知有人事,世中遙望空雲山。”
[Quote]: "Who in the gorge knows of human affairs, gazing far at the empty cloud mountains in the world."
4. 《徐霞客遊記·遊黃山記》:“仍下峽路。”
[Quote]: "Still descending the gorge path."
5. 從峽度棧以上。
[Quote]: "From above the gorge crossing."
例如: 峽口(峽谷之口); 峽路(峽谷中的道路或航道)。又特指長江三峽。
[Example]: For instance: gorge entrance (the mouth of the gorge); gorge path (the road or waterway within the gorge). It also specifically refers to the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.
1. 《世說新語》:“桓公( 溫)入峽,絕壁天懸,騰波迅急。”
[Quote]: "Duke Huan entered the gorge, with sheer cliffs hanging from the sky and waves rushing quickly."
例如: 峽口(指西陵峽口); 峽江(長江自奉節縣瞿塘峽以下,至湖北宜昌一段)。
[Example]: For instance: gorge entrance (referring to the entrance of Xiling Gorge); Gorge River (the section of the Yangtze River from Qutang Gorge below Fengjie County to Yichang in Hubei).
形容詞。狹窄 ([En.] narrow)
[Adjective]: Narrow.
1. 《水經注》:“邃岸天高,空谷幽深,澗道之峽,車不方軌,號曰天險。”
[Quote]: "The lofty sky above the deep valleys; the canyon paths through the gorge where vehicles cannot follow the tracks are called heavenly dangers."
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