Learn to write the Chinese character "徐" by watching the stroke order animation of "徐".
Stroke by Stroke: 徐 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '徐' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '徐' Step-by-Step
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徐 [xú]
1. Slow; gradually.
- (e.g., 逐步: step by step; 逐渐: gradually)
2. A surname.
动 (Verb)
本义: Walk slowly
造字法: Ideogram with an ideophonic component. The character includes the radical for "walk," indicating relation to walking.
1. 同本义 (To walk slowly)
- 引:
- 《说文》: 徐,安行也。 (Xú means to walk slowly.)
- 《易·困》: 乃徐有说。 (Interpretation: "Gen is slow.")
- 《战国策·宋策》: 徐其攻而留其日。
- 《孙子·军争》: 故其疾如风,其徐如林。 (To be as fast as the wind and as slow as the forest.)
- 《文选·张衡·东京赋》: 摄提运衡,徐至于射宫。
2. 散开 (To spread)
- 引:
- 《淮南子》: 執徐之岁,岁早旱,晚水。
形 (Adjective)
1. 缓慢 (Gently; slowly)
- 引:
- 《庄子·天道》: 不徐不疾,得之于手而应于心。
- 《战国策·赵策》: 入而徐趋。
- 《宋史》: 此事当徐议之。
- 唐· 韩愈《朱文公校昌黎先生集》: 徐有得也。
再如: 徐议 (to discuss leisurely); 清风徐来 (the gentle breeze arrives); 徐回 (slowly rotating); 徐行 (moving slowly); 徐步 (walking slowly); 徐呼 (soft sound); 徐疾 (at times slow, at times fast).
2. 安闲的样子 (Leisurely)
- 引:
- 《国语》: 宜为人主,安徐而重固。
再如: 徐言 (soft speech); 徐婉 (gentle and soft); 徐详 (calm and leisurely).
3. 全,都 (All)
- 引:
- 《公羊传·成公十五年》: 鲁人徐伤 归父之无后也。
名 (Noun)
1. 古州名,古徐州的简称 ([En.] Xuzhou), 古九州之一。 Xu state was located in parts of modern Jiangsu, Shandong, and Anhui. Over the dynasties after Han, Xuzhou was established with changing boundaries, generally aligned with what is now Huabei. It was often administered from Pengcheng (modern Xuzhou) or Xiapi (modern Pizhou).
2. 古国名 (Xu state)
- 引:
- 《韩非子·五蠹》: 仁义而徐亡。
3. 徐族为古代九夷之一,分布在淮河中下游地区。周初建立徐国,后为吴国所灭。
如: 徐方 (refers to ancient Xu state); 徐宅 (the place inhabited by the Xu people).
4. A surname.
徐夫人 (Lady Xu, a collector of daggers).
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