Learn to write the Chinese character "逮" by watching the stroke order animation of "逮".
Stroke by Stroke: 逮 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '逮' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '逮' Step-by-Step
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逮 [dài]
1. 到,及。 (到达,赶上)
[En.] arrive; reach; catch up with
例:力量尚未赶到。 (Power is not yet sufficient to reach.)
2. 捉拿。 (逮捕,抓人)
[En.] arrest; capture
例:逮捕。 (Arrest.)
1. 《说文》:逮,唐逮及也。 按,逮者,行相及也。古曰唐逮。
[En.] "Dai" means to catch up and reach."
2. 《公羊传·成公二年》:逮于袁娄而与之盟。
[En.] "Form an alliance at Yuanlou."
3. 《书·吕刑》:群后之逮在下。
[En.] "The summoners' power is at the bottom."
4. 《礼记·曲礼》:逮事父母。
[En.] "Concern for parents."
5. 《世说新语·排调》:上不及尧、舜,下不逮周、孔,亦一时之懿士。
[En.] "Neither could match Yao and Shun, nor reach Zhou and Kong; they were also talented men of their time."
6. 曹植《七启》:纵轻体以迅赴,景追形而不逮。
[En.] "Though my swift body rushes towards it, I still cannot reach its shadow."
7. 《论语·季氏》:政逮于大夫四世矣。
[En.] "The administration now remains with the nobles for four generations."
8. 清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:敌出不意,大惊扰,以枪上刺刀相搏击,而便捷猛鸷终弗逮。
[En.] "When the enemy unexpectedly emerged, they were surprised, and despite their quick and fierce actions, they ultimately could not reach."
例:逮及 (reach a certain level); 逮夜 (when it reaches night); 逮至 (arrive at; reach)
3. 另见 dǎi
逮 [dǎi]
1. 捉,捕,用于口语。
[En.] catch; capture, used in oral language.
例:逮老鼠。(Catch the mouse.)
例:逮蝗虫。(Catch locusts.)
2. 另见 dài
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