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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

馁 stroke order animation

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馁 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 馁
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 馁
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Meaning of

Pinyin něi
馁 (餒、餧) něi [形] 【本义】: 饥饿 Original meaning: hunger 1. 饥饿 ([En.] famished; hungry) - 例: 冻馁。 - Example: frozen hunger. 2. 没有勇气 ([En.] disheartened; discouraged; dispirited) - 例: 气馁、自馁、馁怯。 - Example: disheartened, self-diminished, cowardly. 3. 鱼腐烂 ([En.] (of fish) putrid) - 例: "鱼馁而肉败"。 - Example: “fish putrid and meat spoiled.” 定义扩展: Definition Expansion: 1. 餒,饥也。 Definition in ancient texts: In "Shuowen Jiezi": 冻馁, refers to hunger. 2. 餒,饥也。 From "Guangya": 餒 means hunger. 3. 餒,饿也。 From "Sancang": 餒 means starving. 4. 闵其粥糜冻馁之患。 From "Wang Chunbei": concerned about the calamity of frozen hunger. 5. 今民馁而君逞欲。 From "Zuo Zhuan": Today, the people are famished while the ruler indulges in desires. 6. 吾有馁而已。 注:"饿也。" From "Zuo Zhuan": I only have hunger. Note: “hunger.” 7. 我馁甚。 From " Zhongshan Lang Zhuan": I am extremely hungry. 8. 冻馁之患。 From Song Lian's "Song Dongyang Ma Sheng of Preface": the problem of frozen hunger. 例句: Example sentences: - 馁殍 (饿殍): hunger-stricken corpses; - 馁疾 (饥饿病困): hunger-related illness; - 馁毙 (饿死): die of starvation; - 馁馑 (饿死): deaths from hunger; - 馁士 (饥饿之士): hungry individuals; - 馁腹 (饿着肚子): having an empty stomach. 2. 气馁; 泄气,丧气 ([En.] disheartened; discouraged; dispirited) - 例: 勝勿骄,败勿馁; 馁怯; 馁弱。 - Example: Don’t be arrogant in victory, and don’t be disheartened in defeat; disheartened and timid; weak and dispirited. 另一层含义: Another meaning: 1. 鱼腐烂变质 ([En.] (of fish) putrid) - 例: 鱼馁而肉败,不食。 - Example: When the fish is putrid and the meat spoiled, do not eat. 2. 泛指食物腐烂变质 General term for food spoilage and rot. - 例: 食物馁败,生虫,欣然食之。 - Example: spoiled food, infested with worms, happily eaten. 例句: Example sentences: - 馁败 (腐烂变质): spoilage and changes in quality.
qì něi
to be discouraged
dòng něi
cold and hunger

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