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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

中 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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中 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 中
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 中
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhōng、 zhòng
within / among / in / middle / center / while (doing sth) / during / China / Chinese, hit (the mark)
mìng zhòng
to hit (a target)
zhōng hé
to neutralize / to counteract / neutralization (chemistry)
zhōng yè
mid- (e.g. mid-century) / middle period
kǒu zhōng
In the mouth
Zhōng Zhǎo wā
Central Java, province of Indonesia
náng zhōng
In the bag
Zhōng shān Gōng yuán
Zhongshan Park, the name of numerous parks in China, honoring Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]
zhōng jiān
core / nucleus / backbone
zhōng xíng
medium sized
dà zhōng xíng
large and medium-sized / large and medium-scaled
Zhōng huá Sū wéi āi Gòng hé guó
Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937)
chéng zhōng
in the city
zhōng shān táng
Zhongshan Hall
zhōng táng
central scroll
tǎ zhōng
Tazhong area
zhōng wài
Sino-foreign / Chinese-foreign / home and abroad
zhōng yāng wěi yuán
central committee member / Member of the Central Committee
zhōng yāng jí quán
centralized state power
zhōng yāng gé mìng gēn jù dì
Central Revolutionary Base
Zhōng yī
traditional Chinese medical science / a doctor trained in Chinese medicine
zhōng wǔ
noon / midday / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhōng huá mén
Zhonghua Gate
Huá zhōng
central China
zhōng huá xún
chinese sturgeon / acipenser sinensis
Zhōng huá Mín guó
Republic of China
gōng zhōng
jiā zhōng
at home
zhōng mì dù
medium density
寿 zhōng tián yīng shòu
Hidetoshi Nakata
zhōng jiàng
lieutenant general / vice admiral / air marshal
zhōng wèi
lieutenant (navy) / first lieutenant (army) / subaltern
zhōng céng
jū zhōng
positioned between (two parties) / to mediate between
fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā
developing country
Zhōng shān
refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen / Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace / Nakayama (Japanese surname)
Zhōng yuè
Mt Song 嵩山 in Henan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]
zhōng jūn zhàng
Chinese military account
zhōng yōng
golden mean (Confucianism) / (literary) (of person) mediocre / ordinary
zhōng yōng zhī dào
doctrine of the mean / moderation in all things
qiè zhòng shí bì
to hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target / to hit the nub of the matter
cì zhòng
to hit with a piercing blow
jī zhòng
to hit (a target etc) / to strike
怀 huái zhōng
in one's arms
bēi cóng zhōng lái
overcome by feeling of sorrow / feel sadness welling up
fáng zhōng
In the room
wèng zhōng zhuō biē
to catch a turtle in a jar (idiom); to set oneself an easy target / a turkey shoot
zhōng xún
middle third of a month
zhǎng zhōng
centre of the palm
míng míng zhī zhōng
in the unseen world of spirits / mysteriously and inexorably
míng míng zhōng
In the dark
zhōng yě
China Metallurgical Group Corporation
bā zhōng
liù zhōng
Six Middle School
Guān zhōng
Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河
zhōng xīng
resurgence / recovery / restoration
jì zhōng píng yuán
Jizhong Plain
zhōng duàn
to cut short / to break off / to discontinue / to interrupt
zhōng xià xún
mid-to-late / the middle ten days and the last ten days
shàng zhōng xún
Early to mid
Jìn zhōng
Jinzhong prefecture-level city in Shanxi 山西
zhòng shǔ
sunstroke / heatstroke
àn zhōng
in the dark / in secret / on the sly / surreptitiously
zhōng céng
zhōng qī
middle (of a period of time) / medium-term (plan, forecast etc)
zhōng yào cái
traditional chinese medicinal materials
Zhōng guān cūn
Zhongguancun neighborhood of Beijing, containing Peking University, famous for electronics shops and bookstores
bēi zhōng
In the cup
lín zhōng
zhōng shū shén jīng
nervous centralis / nervus centralis
zhōng shū
center / backbone / hub (e.g. of transport network) / the central administration
zhōng shū xìng
shén jīng zhōng shū
nerve center / neural center
zhōng liú dǐ zhù
mainstay / cornerstone / tower of strength
zhōng gāo dàng
medium and high quality / middle and top grade
zhōng dàng
intermediate rail
zhōng lù bāng zi
Middle Road Clapper
cóng zhōng zuò gěng
place obstacles in the way / create difficulties / hinder sb. from carring out a plan
Yú zhōng
Yuzhong county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu
zhòng guī zhòng jǔ
conforming with the norms of society
zhōng chǔ
Central Reserve
Zhōng Ōu
China-Europe (e.g. trading relations) / Central Europe
zhōng zhǐ
to cease / to suspend / to break off / to stop / to discontinue
zhèng zhōng
middle / center / right in the middle or center / nub
zhōng duàn
middle section / middle period / middle area / mid-
Hàn zhōng
Hanzhong prefecture-level city in Shaanxi
zhōng zhōu
Zhōng Měi zhōu
Central America
Dì zhōng Hǎi
Mediterranean Sea
náng zhōng xiū sè
to be embarrassingly short of money
zhōng yóu
the middle stretches of a river / middle level / middle echelon / midstream
zhōng xià yóu
middle and lower reaches
hú zhōng
In the lake
Huáng zhōng xiàn
Huangzhong county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ning2], Qinghai
Huáng zhōng
Huangzhong county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ning2], Qinghai
zhōng guó tái wān
Taiwan, China
xuě zhōng sòng tàn
lit. to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom) / fig. to provide help in sb's hour of need
wǒ zhōng yǒu nǐ
You in me
nǐ zhōng yǒu wǒ
I am in you
zhōng xiǎo qǐ yè
small and medium enterprise
zhōng fú
last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year

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Pinyin zhong1
Four Corner
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