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冢 stroke order animation

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Meaning of

Pinyin zhǒng
great / mound, mound
冢 zhǒng 1. Burial mound. 坟墓。 - Ancient burial mound (古冢). - Abandoned grave (荒冢). - Grave of officials (衣冠冢). - Green mound (青冢). - Thicket burial mound (丛冢). 2. Eldest (long). 长(zhǎng)。 - Eldest son (冢子). - Legitimate heir (冢嗣). - Wife of the eldest son (冢妇). - Eldest child (冢息). 3. Big. 大。 - Great lord (冢君). - Grand sacrificial ceremony (冢祀). 4. Top of hill. 山顶。 本义: High and large grave. 【本义】:高而大的坟. 字形: Phonetic compound; consists of 'roof' (宀) and sounds like 'chù'. It indicates covering the earth, thus it is represented with a roof. 【造字法】:形声。从宀( mì),豖( chù)声。冖,表地覆盖。将死者覆盖于墓中,故从冖。 引: 1. "Shuō Wén Jiě Zì": A burial mound is a high grave. 《说文》:冢,高坟也。 2. "Zhou Li·Zhong Ren": In charge of the public cemetery. 《周礼·冢人》:掌公墓之地。 3. "Fāng Yán Shí Sān": In the regions between Qin and Jin, referred to as "long". 《方言十三》:冢,秦晋之间或谓之陇。 4. "Shī·Dà Yǎ·Mián": Therefore establishing a mound. The comment indicates: This is a large earthen altar for the soil god. 《诗·大雅·緜》:乃立冢土。传:“大社也。”即祭土神的高大土坛。 5. "Shǐ Jì·Gāo Zǔ Běn Jì": Xiang Yu burned the palaces of Qin and excavated the tomb of the First Emperor. 《史记·高祖本纪》:项羽烧秦宫室,掘始皇帝冢。 6. Qing Dynasty: Yuan Mei's "Funeral Essay": There are two mounds below. 清·袁枚《祭妹文》:其下两冢。 例: - Wild grave (野冢) - disordered graves in the wilderness. - Suspected grave (疑冢) - a false grave built by wealthy families in ancient times to confuse future generations about the true burial site. - Grave keeper (冢人) - an official governing burials in ancient times. - Grave soil (冢土) - soil from a grave; also refers to large altar where the emperor sacrifices to gods. - Cemetery (冢田) - graveyard. - Grave site (冢宅) - a burial site. - Mourning place (冢舍) - residence of those mourning beside a grave. 同义词: 1. Burial mound ([En.] burial mound) 同本义 山顶 ([En.] top of hill) 山顶。 引: 1. "Ér Yǎ": Top of a mountain, known as a mound. 《尔雅》:山顶,冢。 2. "Shān Hǎi Jīng·Xī Shān Jīng": Mount Hua is called 'mound'. 注:“冢者,神鬼之所居也。” 3. "Shī·Xiǎo Yǎ·Shí Yuè Zhī Jiāo": The rivers boil, and the mountain mounds collapse. 郑玄注:“山顶曰冢。” 4. Yuan Zhen's "Manzi Zhou": At night guarding against thieves in the deep mountains, in the morning I see smoke rising from the high mound. 元稹《蛮子朝》:夜防抄盗保深山,朝望烟尘上高冢。 形容词: 1. Big; of high status ([En.] eldest)。 引: 1. "Ér Yǎ": Mound means big. 《尔雅》:冢,大也。 2. "Bái Hǔ Tōng": A mound means big. 《白虎通》:冢者,大也。 3. "Shū·Mù Shì": My dear friend is an elder lord. 《书·牧誓》:我友邦冢君。 4. "Zhou Li": Hence established the heavenly official mound prime minister. 《周礼》:乃立天官冢宰。 5. "Zhou Shū·Dà Kuāng": The king summoned the prime minister. 《周书·大匡》:王乃召冢卿。 6. "Lǐ Jì·Nèi Zé": The eldest son is the sacrifice. 《礼记·内则》:冢子则太牢。 例: - Chancellor (冢臣) - senior officials of the court. - Prime minister (冢司) - another name for the prime minister. - Great sacrifice (冢祀) - a grand sacrificial ceremony performed by the ancient emperor in the ancestral hall. - Senior honorable (冢卿) - high-ranking official. - Great lord (冢君) - a title of respect for the rulers of various states. 2. Of legitimate birth; authentic, not a side branch ([En.] of the wife). 嫡生的。正宗的,不是旁支的。 引: 1. Bai Juyi's "Reply to the Sihao Temple": The eldest legitimate wanted to usurp, and siblings are worried and suspicious. 白居易《答四皓庙》:冢嫡欲废夺,骨肉相忧疑。 例: - Legally recognized elder (冢嫡) - legitimate eldest son. - Eldest son (冢子) - eldest born. - Eldest child (冢息) - eldest child. - Legitimate grandson (冢孙) - legitimate eldest grandson. - Wife of the eldest son (冢妇) - wife of the eldest son.
huāng zhǒng
abandoned grave / uncared-for grave
fén zhǒng
Dà zhǒng
Ōtsuka (Japanese surname)

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Pinyin zhong3
Four Corner
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