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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

穗 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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穗 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 穗
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 穗
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Meaning of

Pinyin suì
ear of grain
穗 [suì] 1. The flowers and fruits that cluster at the top of the stem of grain plants. (禾本植物聚生在茎的顶端的花和果实.) Examples: 麦穗 (wheat ear), 稻穗 (rice ear), 谷穗 (grain ear), 穗轴 (the axis of an ear), 穗状花序 (spike-like inflorescence). 2. A decorative item made of silk threads, cloth strips, or paper strips that is gathered together and hung down. (用丝线、布条或纸条等扎成的、挂起来往下垂的装饰品.) Example: 灯笼穗儿 (lantern tassel). 3. Another name for Guangzhou city in Guangdong province, China. (中国广东省广州市的别称.) It is said in ancient legends that five immortals rode five-colored sheep and brought six "穗" here, hence the name "穗". 4. A surname. (姓.) Additional meanings: 1. (The ear of grain; spike) (同本义.) 2. Tassel. (穗状之物.) 3. Snuff (related to candle or lamp). (烛花或灯花.) Example from 韩偓: "At times, I see the remaining lamp, and the smoke droops down like golden tassels." 4. Fine-textured cloth, commonly used in ancient times for mourning garments. (通“繐”。细而疏的麻布.) Example: 穗帷 (spiritual tent, a type of collar), 穗屦 (shoes made of fine cloth worn during mourning), 穗布 (fine and loose hemp cloth). 引: 1. 《曲水诗序》: "红茎白毛, alongside good fortune, are gathered ears of grain." 2. 《诗·王风·黍离》: "They are millet stalks, and the ears of the millet." 3. 《诗·小雅·甫田》: "There are lodged ears." 例: 如: 穗肥 (fertilizing during the juvenile ear differentiation stage can provide sufficient nutrients to the young ears, resulting in larger ears with more grains, thereby increasing yield); 麦穗 (wheat ear). 穗带 (a belt with tassels), 穗缰 (a reins with tassels), 穗头 (tassel-like item).
suì zhuàng huā xù
suì zi
tassel / fringe
chōu suì
heading / earing / head sprouting
guǒ suì
ear (of corn or sorghum etc) / bunch (of grapes) / infructescence
jiē suì
scion (branch or bud that is grafted onto rootstock)
suì ér

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Input Method for
Pinyin sui4
Four Corner
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