Learn to write the Chinese character "怵" by watching the stroke order animation of "怵".
Stroke by Stroke: 怵 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '怵' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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怵 [chù]
1. 恐惧。
[En.] Fear.
2. 恐惧:~惕(恐惧警惕)。~惧。~头。发~。~目惊心。
[En.] Fear: trembling with fear.
3. 同本义 ([En.] fear)
伤心 ([En.] feel deeply about over; lament over)
1. 《说文》:怵,恐也。
[En.] "Shuōwén" states: "怵 means fear."
2. 《广雅》:怵,惧也。
[En.] "Guǎngyǎ" states: "怵 means to be afraid."
3. 《庄子·应帝王》:劳形怵心者也。
[En.] "Zhuangzi" mentions: "Those who labor and feel anxiety."
4. 张衡《西京赋》:怵悼栗而耸兢。
[En.] In "Zhang Heng's 'West Capital Ode'": "trembling with fear and anxiety."
5. 《孟子·公孙丑上》:皆有怵惕恻隐之心。
[En.] "Mengzi" writes: "Everyone has fear and compassion within."
又如: 怵栗(恐惧); 怵悸(恐惧心跳); 怵怵(戒惧、警惕的样子)
[En.] For instance: 怵栗 (trembling with fear); 怵悸 (anxious heartbeat); 怵怵 (an appearance of fear and vigilance).
伤心 ([En.] feel deeply about over; lament over)
1. 《礼记·祭统》:心怵而奉之以礼。
[En.] "Liji" states: "The heart feels sorrow and serves with respect."
2. 《管子·心术上》:是以君子不怵乎好,不迫乎恶。
[En.] "Guánzi" states: "Thus, a gentleman is not afraid of good nor pressured by evil."
3. 人迫于恶,则失其所好; 怵于好,则忘其所恶,非道也。
[En.] "If one is pressured by evil, they lose their fondness; if they fear the good, they forget the evil; this is not the way."
4. 《韩非子·解老》:得于好恶,怵于淫物,而后变乱。
[En.] "Hānfēizǐ" states: "Acquiring likes and dislikes, fearing indulgences will lead to chaos."
5. 《文选·贾谊·鹏鸟赋》:怵迫之徒,或趋西东。
[En.] In "Wenxuan" "Jia Yi's 'Ode to the Roc'": "Those who are anxious may scatter to the west and east."
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