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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

導 stroke order animation

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導 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 導
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 導
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Meaning of

Pinyin dǎo
to transmit / to lead / to guide / to conduct / to direct
導 dǎo 1. 指引,帶領。 [English] To guide; to lead. 2. 傳引,傳向。 [English] To transmit; to convey. 3. 啟發。 [English] To inspire. 4. 同本義 ([En.] lead; guide) 5. 教導 ([En.] instruct; teach) 6. 疏通 ([En.] dredge) 7. 啓發,開導 ([En.] inspire) 8. 傳導 ([En.] transmit; conduct) 9. 引誘 ([En.] lure; seduce) 10. 導致; 引起 ([En.] cause) 導 dǎo [名] 嚮導,引路人 [English] Guide 導 dǎo [介] 順着 [English] Along 【本义】以手牽引,引導 [English] The original meaning: to lead or guide by hand. 【造字法】形聲。从寸,道聲。「寸」與「手」意思相近。 [English] The character formation: a phonetic and semantic compound. The component "寸" (cùn) relates closely to "hand". 引 1. 《說文》:導,引也。 [English] "Shuōwén": 导 means to lead. 2. 《素問》:其治宜導引按轎。 注:「謂搖筋骨動支節。」 [English] "Suwen": Its treatment should direct and guide. Note: "refers to shaking the muscles and moving the joints." 3. 《續漢書·百官志》:導官令本。 注:「擇也。」 [English] "Xuhanshu": The guiding officials according to the orders. Note: "to choose." 4. 《後漢書·鄧後紀》:導官。 注:「主導擇米以供祭祀。」 [English] "Houhanshu": The guiding officials. Note: "mainly lead the selection of rice for sacrifices." 5. 《漢書·司馬相如傳》:導一莖六穗於庖。 鄭氏曰:「導,擇也。」 [English] "Hanshu": To guide one stem of six ears in the kitchen. Zheng's comment says: "導 means to choose." 6. 明·馬中錫《中山狼傳》:虞人導前,鷹犬羅後。 [English] "Ming: Ma Zhongxi's 'Zhongshan Wolf': The Yu people lead in front, with hunting dogs behind." 例 1. 導子 (Officials traveling with a ceremonial escort ahead) 2. 導從 (Those serving as guides and companions for officials in ancient times) 3. 導仗 (The ceremonial escort leading the way) 教導 ([En.] instruct; teach) 1. 《淮南子·繆稱》:而不可以導人。 注:「教也。」 [English] "Huainanzi": But cannot teach people. Note: "instruct." 2. 韓愈《謁衡岳廟遂宿嶽寺題門樓》:手持杯珓導我擲,雲此最吉餘難同。 [English] Han Yu: "Holding a cup to guide my throw, cloud is the most auspicious." 例 1. 導播 (A professional responsible for directing performances and overseeing broadcasts in television stations) 2. 導訓 (To guide and make things smooth) 疏通 ([En.] dredge) 1. 《國語·周語上》:爲川者決之使導。 [English] "Guoyu": For rivers, one should let them be dredged. 例 1. 導行費 (In Han Lingdi's time, additional items given by regions besides the offerings to the court as taxation) 2. 導款 (To dredge) 3. 導泄 (To relieve) 啓發,開導 ([En.] inspire) 1. 《呂氏春秋·適威》:忠信以導之。 注:「猶先也。」 [English] "Lüshi Chunqiu": Loyalty and trust will inspire him. Note: "also means to lead." 例 1. 導諭 (To guide and clarify) 2. 導示 (To instruct and reveal) 傳導 ([En.] transmit; conduct) 例 1. 導電 (To conduct electricity) 2. 導熱 (To conduct heat) 引誘 ([En.] lure; seduce) 1. 《論語》:導之以政。 皇疏:「謂誘引也。」 [English] "Lunyu": Guiding them with governance. The commentary says: "which means to entice." 例 1. 導欲宣淫 (To advocate for lust and indulge in lewd matters) 2. 導諛 (To flatter and fawn upon) 導致; 引起 ([En.] cause) 例 1. 導因 (Cause) 2. 導迎 (To attract)

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