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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "尊 "
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of "尊 "
尊 [zūn]
【本义】:酒器 (wine vessel)
1. 地位或辈分高: 尊长 (respected elder), 尊卑 (high and low status), 尊贵 (noble), 尊严 (seriousness).
2. 敬重: 尊敬 (to respect), 自尊 (self-respect), 尊重 (to honor).
3. 敬辞,称与对方有关的人或事物: 尊府 (your esteemed residence), 令尊 (your honored father), 尊姓 (your esteemed surname), 尊驾 (your respected presence).
4. 量词: 一尊佛像 (one statue).
5. 同“撙” (similar to "to reduce").
- 《说文》:尊,酒器也。 字亦作罇。
- 《周礼·大宗伯》:辩六尊之名物。 司农注: “献尊、象尊、著尊、壶尊、大尊、山尊”。
- 《礼记·明堂位》:尊用牺象山罍。
- 《仪礼·士冠礼》:侧尊。
- 《后汉书·张衡传》:形似酒尊。
- 尊则振龙。
- 一尊还酹江月 (Su Shi).
1. 敬重;推崇 (respect; revere)
- 《过秦论》:尊贤而重士 (respect the worthy and value the scholars).
- 《论语》:尊五美,屏四恶,斯可以从政矣 (respect the five virtues and avoid the four evils).
- 尊人 (to respect others), 尊上 (to honor superiors), 尊明 (to treat respectfully and unambiguously), 尊贤 (to respect the wise), 尊优 (to show respect and favor), 尊齿 (to honor elders).
2. 重视 (to pay attention to)
- 《左传》:牟夷非卿而书,尊地也。
- 《新唐书》:置诗、书、重攻战,尊首级。
- 尊用 (to value highly), 尊异 (to place extra importance).
3. 减损 (reduce; cut down)
- 《墨子》:子深其深,浅其浅,益其益,尊其尊。
4. 撙。节制;谦抑 (to restrain)
- 《易·谦》:谦尊而光。
- 尊节 (to restrain), 尊让 (to be humble and yielding).
5. 同“遵”。遵行,遵从 (to follow)
- 《韩诗外传》:行既已尊之。
6. 置酒,把酒倒入杯、碗、尊中 (to fill)
- 《礼记》:夫奥老妇之祭也,盛于盆,尊于瓶。
- 尊醮 (to pour wine).
7. 尊奉 (to worship; venerate)
- 《原毁》:见其尊己也。
- 《教战守》:尊尚勇武。
1. 尊贵;高贵 (respectful)
- 《荀子》:天子者,执位圣尊。
- 《战国策·赵策》:位尊而无功。
- 尊大 (noble and great), 尊安 (noble and peaceful), 尊客 (noble guest), 尊遂 (high status), 尊胜 (noble and dignified), 尊肃 (noble and solemn), 尊优 (noble status and affluent life), 尊爵 (noble title).
2. 高,高出 (high)
- 尊远 (high and far), 尊位 (high position), 尊者 (person of high status), 尊盛 (high status), 尊属 (eldest relatives), 尊官 (high official).
3. 年龄大 (elder)
- 尊老 (to honor elders), 尊年 (elderly), 尊宿 (esteemed elder monk), 尊齿 (elder).
4. 庄重;隆重 (serious; solemn)
- 尊礼 (solemn rites), 尊严 (serious dignity).
5. 重要;紧要 (important)
- 尊要 (important), 尊秘 (important and secret).
1. 敬词 (your)
2. 对帝王、官吏的称呼 (address for monarchs and officials).
- 尊王、尊君 (referring to monarch); 尊官 (respectful term for officials).
3. 称呼父亲 称别人的父亲 (term for father or to refer to others' fathers).
- 尊上,尊大人 (referring to one's own parents); 尊大君 (referring to someone's father).
4. 对长辈的称呼 (term for elders).
- 尊上 (eldest).
5. 对一般人的敬称 (respectful term for general public).
- 尊篆 (your esteemed name); 尊人 (old term for others' parents); 尊官 (esteemed guest); 尊壶 (respectful term for lady); 尊兄 (term for elder brothers or friends).
1. 称盛酒器 (vessel)
2. 称塑像 (statue)
- 一尊佛像 (one statue of Buddha).
3. 称大炮 (piece).
- 五十尊大炮 (fifty pieces of artillery).
honorific title / form of address reserved for a queen, ancestor, emperor etc
worship / to revere / to venerate
ridiculous self-importance (idiom); arrogance
to esteem / to respect / to honor / to value / eminent / serious / proper
superior and subordinate / social ranking
to regard men as superior to women (idiom)
respected / respectable / honorable
the most honorable / the most respected / supreme / (archaic) the emperor
self-respect / self-esteem / ego / pride
to revere as sole orthodoxy / to hold supremacy (of a religion, ideology, cultural norm, social group etc) / to be dominant
lit. your honored carriage / your highness / honored Sir (also sarcastic) / you
self-respect / self-esteem / ego
to address sb deferentially / title / honorific
to revere / to admire / to honor / to venerate
(honorific appellation of a deity)
one's superior / one's elders and betters
according to your preference
overweening / extremely conceited / No one is noble but me.
the royal prerogative (position) / the imperial throne / the position of an emperor
dignity / sanctity / honor / majesty