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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

近 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

近 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 近
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 近
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Meaning of

Pinyin jìn
near / close (to) / approximately
近 [jìn] (动) 1. 走近,接近 (En.) approach; be close to; draw near 引: - 《说文》:近,附也。 - 《礼记·祭义》:为其近于道也。 - 《诗·大雅·荡》:小大近丧。 - 《史记·项羽本纪》:吾入关,秋毫不敢有所近。 - 唐·柳宗元《三戒》:稍出近之。 例: - 逼近 (靠近;接近) - 挨近 - 近傍 (接近;靠近) - 近晚 (傍晚) - 近火 (靠近火) 2. 引申追求,希求 (En.) seek 引: - 《易·说卦》:为近利市三倍。 例: - 近名 (追求名誉) - 近利 (逐利) 3. 逼近 (En.) press on towards 引: - 《易·系辞下》:二与四同功而异位,其善不同。 4. 得宠 (En.) find favor with sb. 引: - 《战国策·赵策》:襄子必近幸子。 例: - 近上 (接近上司) - 近上的 (接近上层的;等级高的) - 近珰 (皇帝宠信的太监) - 近爱 (帝王所亲近宠爱) 5. 位于边缘;濒于 (En.) verge on 例: - 已近老年 - 近天 (天边,极远之处) - 近正 (接近正确;接近标准) - 近边 (接近边疆) 6. 知晓 (En.) know 引: - 《吕氏春秋》:慈亲不能传于子,忠臣不能入于君,唯有其材者为近之。 --- 近 [jìn] (形) 1. 指时间或空间的距离短 (En.) near 引: - 《易·系辞》:无有远近幽深。 - 陶潜《桃花源记》:忘路之远近。 例: - 四近 (周围附近的地方) - 邻近 (位置挨近;附近) - 近宅 (附近左右的住宅) - 近局 (近邻,邻居) - 近火先焦 (比喻无辜的人因最接近祸源而首先遭殃) 2. 最近 (En.) recent 引: - 蔡元培《图画》:近三世纪则学校大备。 例: - 新近 (不久以前) - 近目 (近日;目前) - 近夜 (傍晚) - 近忧 (近虞。目前的忧虑) 3. 亲近 (En.) intimate; closely related 引: - 李密《陈情表》:外无期功强近之亲。 例: - 近宾 (亲近的宾客;有亲密关系的宾客) - 近侍 (亲近侍奉) - 近属 (血缘关系较近的亲属) - 近党 (关系密切的亲族) 4. 浅近,容易理解,容易明白的 (En.) easy to understand 引: - 《孟子·尽心下》:言近而指远者,善言也。 例: - 近识 (识见浅陋) - 近器 (才识浅陋平庸的人) - 近鄙 (鄙薄) - 近浅 (浅陋,平庸) - 近俗 (浅近通俗) - 近事 (浅鄙之事) --- 近 [jìn] (副) 1. 将近;差不多 (En.) be approximately; be close to 引: - 《资治通鉴·唐纪》:应者近万人。 - 唐·韩愈《师说》:官盛则近谀。 例: - 近半
jìn dài shǐ
modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, i.e. mid-19th to early 20th century)
jìn zài zhǐ chǐ
to be almost within reach / to be close at hand
jiāng jìn
almost / nearly / close to
jiù jìn
nearby / in a close neighborhood
zuǒ jìn
near by
jìn nián lái
for the past few years
āi jìn
to approach / to get close to / to sneak up on / near to
jiē jìn
to approach / to get close to
jìn kuàng
recent developments / current situation
còu jìn
to approach / to lean close to
jìn rì
in the past few days / recently / in the last few days
zuì jìn
recently / soon / nearest
jìn qī
near in time / in the near future / very soon / recent
jiàn jìn
yuǎn shuǐ jiě bù liǎo jìn kě
Distant water cannot quench present thirst / Slowness can not meet hasty demand. / The aid is too slow in coming to be of any help.
jìn sì
similar / about the same as / approximately / approximation
jìn sì zhí
approximate value
jìn dài
the not-very-distant past / modern times, excluding recent decades / (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919) / capitalist times (pre-1949)
qīn jìn
intimate / to get close to
jìn xiē nián
recent years
lín jìn
close to / approaching
jìn hu
close to / intimate
Jìn téng
Kondō (Japanese surname)
tiē jìn
to press close to / to snuggle close / intimate
fù jìn
(in the) vicinity / nearby / neighboring / next to
zǒu jìn
to approach / to draw near to
qū jìn
to approach (a numerical value) / to converge to a limit (in calculus) / convergence
jìn jù
low coverage
jìn lái
recently / lately
kào jìn
near / to approach
xiāng jìn
close / similar to
lín jìn
neighboring / adjacent / near / vicinity
bī jìn
to press on towards / to close in on / to approach / to draw near
jìn hǎi
coastal waters / offshore
jìn nián
recent year(s)
yuǎn jìn
far and near / distance
pò jìn
to approach / to press in
jìn lín
close neighbor
jìn jiāo
suburbs / outskirts
shǐ jìn
approaching / bear in with / approach of

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Input Method for
Pinyin jin4
Four Corner
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