Learn to write the Chinese character "欣" by watching the stroke order animation of "欣".
Stroke by Stroke: 欣 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '欣' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '欣' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '欣' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '欣'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 快乐,喜欢。
(1) Joyful, like: ~~ (a. A state of happiness, as in "来了”;b. The thriving appearance of plants, as in "向荣", also generally refers to vigorous development).
(2) 喜,欢,鼓舞,然,赏,幸,慕,悦。
2. 【本义】: 喜悦
(Original meaning: Joy)
3. 【造字法】: 形声。从欠,斤声。实与忻同字。
(Character formation: Phono-semantic compound. Composed of "欠" and the sound "斤", it is actually the same character as 忻.)
4. 引用:
1. 《说文》: 欣,笑喜也。段注: “言部訢下曰: ‘喜也。’义略同。”
("Xu Shen's Shuowen Jiezi: '欣' means to smile and be joyful. Duan Zhu notes: 'In the section under 请, it says: 'it means joy.’ The meanings are similar.")
2. 《尔雅》: 欣,乐也。
("Erya: '欣' means happiness.")
3. 《诗·大雅·凫鷖》: 旨酒欣欣。传: “欣欣然乐也。”
("Book of Songs: 'Finest wine makes us joyful.' Commentary: '欣欣' indicates happiness.")
4. 《楚辞·九歌·东皇太一》: 君欣欣兮乐康。注: “欣欣,喜貌。”
("Chuci: 'You joyfully rejoice, my lord.' Note: '欣欣' means appearance of joy.")
5. 《史记·乐书》: 天地欣合。注: “欣,喜也。”
("Records of the Grand Historian: 'Heaven and Earth harmoniously rejoice.' Note: '欣' means joy.")
6. 晋·陶渊明《归去来兮辞》: 载欣载奔。
("Jin Dynasty's Tao Yuanming: 'Carrying joy and rushing back.'")
5. 例:
1. 欣惧 (joyful yet fearful);
2. 欣赞 (joyful praise);
3. 欣欢 (joyful happiness);
4. 欣赖 (joyfully relying).
6. 动
(1) 爱戴 ([En.] love and esteem)
- 引用: 《国语·晋语二》: 百姓欣而奉之,国可以固。
("Guoyu: 'The people love and respect him, therefore the state can be solidified.'")
- 例: 欣戴 (joyfully supporting).
(2) 悦服 ([En.] heartily subject)
- 引用: 《国语·晋语一》: 是以民能欣之。
("Guoyu: 'That is why the people can heartily submit.'")
- 例: 欣佩 (joyfully admiring); 欣服 (heartily subject).
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