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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

欢 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

欢 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 欢
Download the worksheet in PNG format
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 欢
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin huān
joyous / happy / pleased
huān hū
to cheer for / to acclaim
huān hū shēng
cheer / hurrah / shout of joy
xǐ huan
to like / to be fond of
huān xǐ
happy / joyous / delighted / to like / to be fond of
huān yú
to amuse / to divert / happy / joyful / pleasure / amusement
huān yàn
feast / celebration
yù yù guǎ huān
depressed / cheerless
xún huān zuò lè
pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dissipation
huān qìng
to celebrate
huān kuài
cheerful and lighthearted / lively
huān yuè
happiness / joy / to be happy / to be joyous
bēi huān
Joys and sorrows
bēi huān lí hé
joys and sorrows / partings and reunions / the vicissitudes of life
huān yú
happy / joyous / delighted
chéng huān
to cater to sb to make them happy (esp. of one's parents)
kuáng huān
party / carousal / hilarity / merriment / whoopee / to carouse
huān yíng
to welcome / welcome
huān xīn
favor / liking / love / jubilation / joy
huān shēng léi dòng
give a great shout of approval / cry out for joy
huān xiào
to laugh happily / a belly-laugh
huān téng
jubilation / great celebration / CL:片[pian4]
huān lè gǔ
Happy Valley
huān tiān xǐ dì
delighted / with great joy / in high spirits
lián huān
to have a get-together / celebration / party
jiē dà huān xǐ
to everyone's delight and satisfaction
huān xīn gǔ wǔ
elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed
huān xīn
kuáng huān jié
huān chàng
happy / cheerful / jubilant
huān lè
gaiety / gladness / glee / merriment / pleasure / happy / joyous / gay
huān hū què yuè
cheering excitedly (idiom) / jubilant
huān bèng luàn tiào
glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)
qiǎng yán huān xiào
to pretend to look happy / to force oneself to smile
huān yán
happy looks or appearance

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters

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Input Method for
Pinyin huan1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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All Chinese stroke order images, animations, videos, and printable worksheets on this website are free for personal or classroom use. Please indicate the source and URL of the website when using them.
