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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

佳 stroke order animation

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佳 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 佳
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 佳
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiā
佳 [jiā] 形 (Adjective) 【本义】: 美,美好 (Original meaning: beautiful; fine; nice) 【造字法】: 形声。从人,圭( guī)声。 (Structure: phonetic-ideographic character; composed of "person" and the phonetic element "guī.") 【释义】: 1. 同本义 ([En.] beautiful; fine; nice) 美,好的。 (Beautiful, good.) 例: 美,佳美。 (Beautiful, delightful.) 佳句,佳作,佳音,佳节,佳境,佳期,佳人,佳丽(❶美丽;❷美女),佳偶,佳酿。美酒佳肴。 (Excellent phrases, works, sounds, festivals, surroundings, occasions, beautiful people, beauties, ideal partners, fine brews. Good wine and food.) 2. 吉祥 ([En.] lucky) 例: 吉祥的言辞、符号,如佳谶,佳忏,佳语,佳气。 (Auspicious phrases, symbols, such as lucky prophecies, auspicious confessions, good words, and beautiful cloud. In ancient times, thought to be symbols of good fortune and prosperity.) 【引】: 1. 《说文》:佳,善也。 (“Explaining Words”: "佳" means "good".) 2. 《广雅》:佳,大也,又,好也。 (“Comprehensive Elegance”: "佳" means "large" as well, and "good".) 3. 《老子》:佳兵者不祥。 (Laozi: "Good soldiers bring ill fortune.") 4. 《战国策·中山策》:佳丽人之所出也。 (Warring States Strategies: "The beautiful people come from here.") 5. 《楚辞·大招》:丽以佳只。 (Songs of Chuci: "Beauty comes from excellence.") 6. 《汉书·外戚传》:佳侠函光。 注:“佳侠,犹佳丽。” (Book of Han: "Exquisite knights have brilliance." Note: "Exquisite knights are like beauties.") 7. 《淮南子·脩务》:形夸骨佳。 (Huainanzi: "An appearance that boasts of fine bones.") 8. 《淮南子·说林》:佳人不同体,美人不同面,而皆说于目。 (Huainanzi: "A beauty can differ in body, while a beautiful one can differ in face, yet all are perceived visually.") 9. 晋· 陶渊明《饮酒》:山气日夕佳。 (Jin Dynasty’s Tao Yuanming: "The mountain air is delightful at dusk.") 10. 秋菊有佳色。 (Autumn chrysanthemums are beautifully colored.) 11. 蒋防《霍小玉传》:每自矜风调,思得佳偶。 (Jiang Fang: "Always priding oneself on charm, hoping to find an ideal partner.") 12. 宋· 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》:作敲字佳。 (Song Dynasty: "Exceptional characters beautifully written.") 13. 宋· 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》:佳木秀而繁阴。 (Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu: "The fine trees are lush and shady.") 14. 《聊斋志异·促织》:佳者笼养。 (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: "The beautiful are caged.") 15. 《世说新语·言语》:小时了了,大未必佳。 (New Talks of the World: "Wise in youth doesn’t guarantee excellence in adulthood.") 16. 李白《与韩荆州书》:一经品题,便作佳士。 (Li Bai in his letter to Han Jingzhou: "Once it is judged, it becomes an excellent person.") 【例】: 又如: 佳士(品学兼优的人); 佳夕(良夜); 佳器(美好的器物); 佳口(美婢); 佳侠(佳丽,美女); 佳色(妍丽的颜色;美丽的色彩); 佳冶(娇美妖冶); 佳观 (For example: 佳士 (A person of both good character and scholarship); 佳夕 (A fine night); 佳器 (Beautiful utensils); 佳口 (Beautiful maid); 佳侠 (Beauties); 佳色 (Lovely colors); 佳冶 (Glamorous beauty); 佳观.)
婿 jiā xù
Good son-in-law
qiào jiā rén
jiā yáo
fine food / delicacies / delicious food
jiā jié
festive day / holiday
jiā zuò
masterpiece / fine piece of writing
qiàn jiā
suboptimal / subpar / not good enough
jiā rén
beautiful woman
jué jiā
exceptionally good
shí jiā
top ten
jiā huà
story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide
jiā jì
good result / success
Jiā néng
Canon (Japanese company)
jù jiā
excellent / wonderful
shàng jiā
excellent / outstanding / great
Jiā mù sī
Kiamusze or Jiamusi prefecture-level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China
jiā jù
beautiful line (in a poem) / well-turned phrase
jiā niàng
excellent wine
shén jiā
Very good
jiā ǒu
happily married couple
jiàn rù jiā jìng
better off / get on soundings
měi jiǔ jiā yáo
good wine and dainty dishes / excellent wine and delicious food / good wine and delicacies / vintage wine and choice food
jiā lì
zuì jiā
optimum / optimal / peak / best (athlete, movie etc)

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Pinyin jia1
Four Corner
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