Learn How to Write Chinese Characters (Hanzi)
Search Chinese characters via handwriting

How to write

Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

版 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

版 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 版
Download the worksheet in PNG format
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 版
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin bǎn
a register / a block of printing / an edition / version / page
西 Xī shuāng bǎn nà
abbr. for 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州 Xishuangbanna, Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan
bǎn tú
domain / territory
tū bǎn
relief printing plate
āo bǎn
intaglio printing plate (or a print made with it)
chū bǎn
to publish
bǎn běn
version / edition / release
chū bǎn shè
publishing house
dào bǎn
pirated / illegal / see also 正版[zheng4 ban3]
běn bǎn
This edition
chū bǎn wù
xīn bǎn
new edition / new version
bǎn quán
bǎn huà
printmaking / a print
zhèng bǎn
genuine / legal / see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3]
bǎn miàn
page of a publication (e.g. newspaper or website) / printing space (reserved for some content) / page layout
zài bǎn
second edition / reprint
diāo bǎn
a carved printing block
wǎng luò bǎn
online edition / web edition
mù bǎn
(printing) woodblock
fān bǎn
to reprint / reproduction / pirate copy / (fig.) imitation / carbon copy / clone
pái bǎn
gǎi bǎn
to revise the current edition / revised edition
西 Xī shuāng bǎn nà Dǎi zú zì zhì zhōu
Xishuangbanna Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan 雲南|云南
chū bǎn shǔ
Publishing Agency

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters

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No need to remember the website address or type any Chinese characters. Simply scan the QR code for easier access to this page. Alternatively, you can quickly access this page by clicking to copy and paste the URL.
Input Method for
Pinyin ban3
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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All Chinese stroke order images, animations, videos, and printable worksheets on this website are free for personal or classroom use. Please indicate the source and URL of the website when using them.
