Learn to write the Chinese character "賞" by watching the stroke order animation of "賞".
Stroke by Stroke: 賞 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '賞' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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1. 指地位高的人或長輩給地位低的人或晚輩財物。
(Refers to high-ranking individuals or elders giving wealth to those of lower status or juniors.)
2. 因愛好某種東西而觀看。
(To appreciate or observe something due to a fondness for it.)
3. 認識到人的才能或作品的價值而給予重視。
(To recognize and value a person's talents or the worth of their work.)
4. 敬辭。
(Honorific term.)
5. 姓。
(A surname.)
6. 同「尚」,尊重。
(Synonymous with "尚" which means to respect.)
1. 賜予或獎給的東西。
(An award or something that has been granted or rewarded.)
2. 量詞。計量土地面積的單位。也作「晌」。後作「垧」。
(A measure word; a unit for measuring land area, also written as "晌", later as "垧".)
1. 同本義。
(Synonymous with the original meaning - to grant a reward; award.)
· 引:
1. 《說文》:賞,賜有功也。
(Shuowen: To reward is to grant to those who have merits.)
2. 《墨子經》:賞,上報下之功也。
(The Mozi: Awarding is rewarding the merits from above to below.)
3. 《易·未濟》:三年有賞於大邦。
(Book of Changes: After three years, one will be rewarded by the great state.)
4. 《禮記·祭法》:堯能賞均刑法。
(Book of Rites: Yao was able to reward and equalize the penal laws.)
5. 《左傳·襄公二十八年》:善人富謂之賞。
(Zuo Zhuan: Good men are called rewards.)
6. 《周禮·載師》:賞田。
(Book of Zhou: Awarding of land.)
7. 諸葛亮《出師表》:宜付有司論其刑賞。
(Zhuge Liang's Memorial: It should be given to officials to discuss its penalties and rewards.)
8. 《史記·項羽本紀》:未有封侯之賞。
(Records of the Grand Historian: There was no reward of noble titles before.)
· 例:
(For example: reward for labor; population awarded for servitude; awarded land; first recipient of the award; reward for military service; grant; land awarded.)
2. 玩賞;欣賞。
(To enjoy or appreciate.)
· 引:
1. 陶淵明《移居》:奇文共欣賞,疑義相與析。
(Tao Yuanming: Strange texts should be equally appreciated; doubts should be shared and analyzed.)
2. 宋·姜夔《揚州慢》:杜郎俊賞,算而今重到須驚。
(Song dynasty: The talents of Du Lang are appreciated, and now a heavy appreciation is to be shocked.)
· 例:
(For example: receiving appreciation and treatment; enjoying the moon; appreciation; an event of appreciation; mutual appreciation; shared interests in appreciation.)
3. 稱頌,讚揚。
(To praise or commend.)
· 引:
1. 《左傳·襄公十四年》:善則賞之。
(Zuo Zhuan: Good deeds will be rewarded.)
· 例:
(For example: commendation; praised and encouraged; recognized and honored; joyful praise; respected recognition.)
4. 通「尚」。尊重。
(Synonymous with "尚", which means to respect.)
· 引:
1. 《管子·霸言》:其所賞者,明聖也。
(Guanzhi: Those who are rewarded are enlightened and wise.)
2. 《荀子·王霸》:賞賢使能以次之。
(Xunzi: Rewarding the worthy allows abilities to follow them.)
· 例:
(For example: respecting the virtuous.)
1. 賜予或獎給的東西。
(An award or something that has been granted or rewarded.)
· 引:
1. 《戰國策·齊策》:羣臣吏民能面刺寡人之過者,受上賞。
(Warring States Strategies: Those officials and common people who can criticize me will receive rewards.)
· 例:
(For example: standards for rewards; gifts; receiving awards; clear rewards and punishments; reward money.)
2. 量詞。計量土地面積的單位。也作「晌」。後作「垧」。
(A measure word; a unit for measuring land area, also written as "晌", later as "垧".)
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