Learn to write the Chinese character "熹" by watching the stroke order animation of "熹".
Stroke by Stroke: 熹 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '熹' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '熹' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '熹' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '熹'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 光明 (Bright)
- 例如:~微(日光微明)。星~。
(For example: "the light is faint" (the sunlight is faint). The stars are bright.)
2. 炙,炽热 (Roasting, red-hot)
- 例如:“东暾淡未~,北吹寒更寂”。
(For example: "The eastern dawn is dim and has not yet warmed, the northern wind blows cold and more quietly.")
3. 古人名用字 (Name used by ancient people)
(动) (Verb)
(形声。从火,喜声。本义:烤炙) (Phonetic compound; "fire" and "喜" element. Original meaning: to roast)
同本义 (The same meaning) (English: roast meat)
(形) (Adjective)
1. 炽热 (Red-hot)
2. 亮;光明 (Bright)
1. 《说文》:熹,炙也。字亦作熺。
(From "Shuowen": "熹 means to roast. The character can also be written as 熺.")
1. 《玉篇》:熹,热也,炽也。
(From "Yupian": "熹 means heat and red-hot.")
2. 《广雅》:熺,炽也。
(From "Guangya": "熺 means red-hot.")
3. 木华《海赋》:熺炭重燔。注:“炭之有光者也。”
(From Mu Hua's "Hai Fu": "The glowing coals are heavily burned." Note: "Those coals that have light.")
2. 亮;光明 (Bright)
- 例如:
1. 《管子·侈靡》:有时而星熺。
2. 《文选·赠五官中郎将诗》:明镫熺炎光。
3. 东暾澹未熹,北吹寒更寂。——杨万里诗
(For example:
1. "In a timely manner, the stars are bright."
2. "The bright lamp shines with radiant light."
3. "The eastern dawn is dim and has not yet brightened, the northern wind blows cold and more quietly." — Poem by Yang Wanli)
又如: 熹微; 熹烂 (灿烂的光彩)
(For example: "faint light; splendid radiance (brilliant beauty)")
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