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票 stroke order animation

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票 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 票
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 票
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Meaning of

Pinyin piào、 piāo
bank note / ticket
票 [piào] 名词 1. 纸币,通货: bills, currency. 例: 钞票,票子,票额。 2. 印的或写的凭证: printed or written vouchers. 例: 凭据,票证,股票,车票,选票。 3. 非职业演戏: amateur performances (of Beijing opera, etc.). 例: 票戏,票友。 4. 量词,相当于“批”: a measure word equivalent to "batch". 例: 一票货物。 5. 被匪绑架做抵押的人: a person kidnapped by bandits for ransom. 例: 绑票儿,撕票儿。 形容词 1. 迅疾;轻捷: fast; agile. 2. 勇猛: bold and powerful. 动词 1. 票写: write a ticket. 2. 另见 piāo. 形容词 1. 迅疾;轻捷: fast; agile. 引例: “为票姚校尉。” (“A fast horse”). 例: 票勇 (swift and brave actions),票健 (agile and strong) 名词 1. 印的或写的凭证纸片: ticket. 例: 戏票,车票,饭票,粮票,布票,票引 (salt ticket and salt coupons),票摘 (transcribing on paper). 2. 无记名投票用纸: ballot. 例: 投票,唱票,开票。 3. 钞票或其他形式的纸币: bill; bank note. 例: 毛票,零票,角票,票票 (banknotes),票洋 (currency). 4. 旧指非职业性的戏曲表演: amateur performance (of Beijing opera, etc.). 例: 玩儿票,票友。 5. 所有权证或债权证: certificate. 例: 股票,票纸 (savings book, deposit slip),票簿 (notes ledger),票照 (receipt certifications). 6. (旧时) 强盗称抢来做人质的人: a person held for ransom by robbers. 例: 绑票儿。 量词 俗称一宗为一票: informally referred to as a ticket. 例: 一票货,一票生意,一票买卖。 动词 1. 票写: write a ticket. 例: 票帖 (a note used for drafting tickets), 票发 (write and issue a ticket), 票写 (draft a ticket), 票签 (signature required in this chapter). 2. 另见 piāo. 票 [piāo] 形容词 1. 同“飘”,随风摆动飞扬: to sway or fly in the wind. 动词 1. 摇动: to wave. 2. 另见 piào.
yī piào fǒu jué
one vote against meaning veto
shòu piào
sale of tickets
shòu piào yuán
ticket seller
qì quán piào
abstention vote
cǎi piào
lottery ticket
jiǎn piào kǒu
Ticket gate
tóu piào
to vote / vote
tóu piào quán
suffrage / right to vote
jū piào
warrant (for arrest)
piào jù
negotiable instrument (draft, note etc) / voucher / receipt
sī piào
lit. to tear the ticket / to kill a hostage (usually held for ransom)
huì piào
bill of exchange / bank draft
piào jià
ticket price / fare / admission fee
xuǎn piào
a vote / ballot / CL:張|张[zhang1]
gǔ piào
share certificate / stock (finance)
jī piào
air ticket / passenger ticket / CL:張|张[zhang1]
mén piào
ticket (for theater, cinema etc)
yóu piào
(postage) stamp / CL:枚[mei2],張|张[zhang1]
yín piào
(in former times) banknote with a value in silver
chāo piào
paper money / a bill (e.g. 100 yuan) / CL:張|张[zhang1],紮|扎[za1]
fā piào
invoice / receipt or bill for purchase
fǎn duì piào
dissenting vote
chē piào
ticket (for a bus or train)
piào zi
bank note / paper money / bill / note / ticket
zhī piào
check (bank) / cheque / CL:本[ben3]
kè piào
passenger ticket
mǎi piào
to buy tickets / (Tw) to buy votes (in an election)
liáng piào
coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955-1993
bǎng piào
to kidnap (for ransom)
dìng piào
to book tickets / to issue tickets
piào fàn zi
ticket scalper
zàn chéng piào
approval / affirmative vote
jì niàn yóu piào
commemorative postage stamp

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Input Method for
Pinyin piao4
Four Corner
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