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恼 stroke order animation

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恼 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恼
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恼
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Meaning of

Pinyin nǎo
get mad
恼 惱 nǎo 〈动〉 【本义】: 恼恨; 生气; 发怒 [Original meaning]: Hate; angry; furious 【造字法】: 形声。从心,惱(nǎo)声。 [Character formation]: Phono-semantic; consists of the "heart" radical and the sound component "nǎo." 【同义词】: 1. 同本义 ([En.] hate; resent; irk) 2. 懊恼; 烦闷 ([En.] anger; annoy; worry) 3. 打扰 ([En.] disturb) 4. 惹,撩拨 ([En.] invite) 【引例】: 1. 唐·卢仝《寄男抱孙》:任汝恼弟示,任汝恼姨舅。 [Tang dynasty, Lu Tong's poem: Let you annoy your brothers and sisters, let you annoy your aunt and uncle.] 2. 《西游记》:他呆子着了恼的人,张开嘴…被行者轻轻的提将出来。 [Journey to the West: This foolish person who was angry opened his mouth...was gently pulled out by the traveler.] 【例子】: 又如: 1. 恼聒 (烦恼,恼恨) [Annoying chatter (worry, resent)] 2. 恼懆 (烦恼忧愁) [Annoyed and troubled (troubles and sorrows)] 3. 恼燥,恼躁 (烦恼不安) [Annoyed and restless (disturbance)] 4. 恼悔 (悔恨) [Regret] 5. 恼闷 (懊恼烦闷) [Irritated and depressed] 6. 恼烦 (烦恼) [Worries] 7. 恼懊 (懊恼) [Irritated] 【引例】: 1. 《陈书·姚察传》:将终,无曾痛恼,但西向坐,正念,云“一切空寂”。 [From the Book of Chen: At the end, I did not feel pain or annoyance, I just sat facing west, in right mindfulness, saying "everything is empty and silent."] 【例子】: 又如: 1. 恼恨恨 (恼恨貌。愤怒怨恨) [Resentful appearance (angry and resentful)] 2. 恼害 (犹恼恨) [Similar to resentment] 3. 恼忿忿 (气呼呼,气冲冲) [Fuming angrily] 4. 恼巴巴 (气恼,恼怒) [Annoyed and angry] 5. 恼犯 (触犯; 激怒) [Offend; irritate] 6. 恼燥 (恼火) [Anger] 7. 恼骂 (生气漫骂) [Irritate and curse] 8. 恼激 (激怒) [Irritate] 【引例】: 1. 《西游记》:不恼着我,就半年也不装他一次。 [Journey to the West: If you are not angry with me, you won’t pretend for half a year.] 【例子】: 又如: 1. 恼聒 (打扰) [Disturbing chatter] 2. 恼乱 (打扰) [Disturb] 【引例】: 1. 李白《赠段七娘》:千杯绿酒何辞醉,一面红妆恼杀人。 [Li Bai: A thousand cups of green wine, why refuse to get drunk; in front of a beautiful woman, it’s deadly to be annoyed.]
fán nǎo
to be worried / to be distressed / worries
nǎo nù
resentful / angry / to enrage sb
nǎo hèn
to hate and resent / angry and full of grievances
kǔ nǎo
vexed / distressed
ào nǎo
annoyed / vexed / upset
nǎo huǒ
to get angry / irritated / to annoy / to aggravate / annoying
qì nǎo
to be annoyed / to get angry
rě nǎo
to offend
nǎo xiū chéng nù
to fly into a rage out of humiliation / to be ashamed into anger (idiom)
nǎo rén
annoying / irksome / to irritate
xiū nǎo
resentful / humiliated and angry
zì xún fán nǎo
to bring trouble on oneself (idiom)

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Pinyin nao3
Four Corner
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