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滂 stroke order animation

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滂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 滂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 滂
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Meaning of

Pinyin pāng
rushing (water)
滂 [pāng] 形容水涌出。 Description of water surging out. 1. 形容水涌出:~流。~沱。~沛。~濞(pì)(a.形容水流相击的声音;b.形容雨水量多;c.形容众多)。 1. Describing water surging out: surging flow, torrential rain, abundant (a. describing the sound of water crashing; b. describing a large amount of rain; c. describing multitude). 【本义】: 大水涌流 Original meaning: Large water surging flow. 【造字法】: 形声。从水,旁声。 Character formation: Phonetic-semantic compound. Derived from water and pronounced 'pang'. 1. 同本义 ([En.] surging) 1. Same original meaning ([En.] surging) 2. 倾盆大雨的 ([En.] torrential) 2. Torrential ([En.] torrential) 3. 广大 ([En.] vast) 3. Vast ([En.] vast) 4. 气势盛大 ([En.] grand) 4. Grand ([En.] grand) 5. 泪、血流状 ([En.] bloody) 5. Bloody ([En.] bloody) 6. 广泛 ([En.] extensive) 6. Extensive ([En.] extensive) 7. 旺盛的 ([En.] exuberant) 7. Exuberant ([En.] exuberant) 引 Quotations 1. 《说文》:滂,沛也。 "Shuōwén": Pāng, means abundant. 2. 《诗·陈风·泽陂》:涕泗滂沱。 "Shījīng": Tears flow abundantly. 3. 枚乘《七发》:观其两旁,则滂渤怫郁。 Jiāng Chéng "Qī Fā": Looking to both sides, flows are surging and overwhelming. 4. 《楚辞·大招》:姱修滂浩。 "Chǔcí": Graceful and vast. 例 Examples 又如: 滂人(古时掌理池泽资源的官吏);滂浩(水广大的样子);滂流(大水盛流的样子);滂溏(水流广大的样子);滂滂(水流大的样子). For example: Pāng rén (an ancient official in charge of pools and resources); pāng hào (the appearance of wide water); pāng liú (the appearance of large water flow); pāng táng (the appearance of large water); pāng pāng (the appearance of large water flow). 2. 倾盆大雨的 ([En.] torrential) 2. Torrential rain ([En.] torrential) 引 Quotations 1. 《史记·司马相如传》:滂濞沆溉。 "Shǐjì": Torrential rain. 例 Examples 又如: 滂霈(雨大的样子);滂沲;滂澍(大雨);滂泽(大雨). For example: pāng pèi (the appearance of heavy rain); pāng tuó; pāng shù (heavy rain); pāng zé (heavy rain). 3. 广大 ([En.] vast) 3. Vast ([En.] vast) 引 Quotations 1. 《汉书·礼乐志》:福滂洋。注:“饶广也。” "Hànshū": Abundant blessings. Note: "Plentiful and wide." 例 Examples 又如: 滂沲(广大的样子;充溢的样子);滂洋(众多而广大);滂浩(广大). For example: pāng tuó (the appearance of vastness; the appearance of overflowing); pāng yáng (numerous and vast); pāng hào (vast). 4. 气势盛大 ([En.] grand) 4. Grand ([En.] grand) 例 Examples 如: 滂渤(形容气势勃发盛大);滂浡(盛大的样子). For example: pāng bó (describing a grand momentum); pāng bó (the appearance of grandeur). 5. 泪、血流状 ([En.] bloody) 5. Bloody ([En.] bloody) 例 Examples 如: 滂汩(形容血、泪流得多);滂滂(形容泪、血流得多). For example: pāng gǔ (describing abundant flow of blood or tears); pāng pāng (describing a lot of tears or blood flowing). 6. 广泛 ([En.] extensive) 6. Extensive ([En.] extensive) 例 Examples 如: 滂洽(广泛流布);滂流(广泛流布);滂施(广泛布施恩泽);滂被(恩泽广泛流布);滂敷(广泛布施);滂霈(喻恩泽广大). For example: pāng qià (widely spread); pāng liú (widely spread); pāng shī (widely bestow blessings); pāng bèi (blessings widely spread); pāng fū (widely bestow); pāng pèi (metaphor for abundant blessings). 7. 旺盛的 ([En.] exuberant) 7. Exuberant ([En.] exuberant) 引 Quotations 1. 《论衡·说日》:月丽于毕,俾滂沱矣。 "Lùn héng": The moon shines brightly, causing abundant rain. 例 Examples 又如: 滂洋(丰饶广阔). For example: pāng yáng (abundant and vast). 滂 [pāng] 动 Verb 浇灌 (【英】:water) Watering ([En]: water) 引 Quotations 1. 《列子》:吾盗天地之时利,云雨之滂润,山泽之产育,以生吾禾。 "Lièzǐ": I steal the benefits of heaven and earth, the nourishment from clouds and rain, and the production of mountains and marshes to grow my grains.
dà yǔ pāng tuó
downpour / It rains cats and dogs / The rain coming down in sheets
pāng tuó dà yǔ
torrents of rain (idiom)
pāng tuó
pouring / flooding

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Input Method for
Pinyin pang1
Four Corner
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