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砭 stroke order animation

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砭 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 砭
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 砭
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Meaning of

Pinyin biān
a stone probe / acupuncture
砭 [biān] 名词 1. 中国古代用以治病的石针: 石针用于针灸。 (A stone needle used in ancient China for acupuncture: stone needle.) 2. 用石针扎皮肉治病,引申为刺或规劝: 砭灸。针砭(比喻指出人的过错,劝人改正)。 (To pierce the flesh with a stone needle for treatment, extended to mean to prick or to advise: needle and moxibustion. To point out someone's faults, advising them to correct.) 引: 1. 《说文》:砭,以石刺病也。 (From "Shuowen": "Bian, to pierce disease with stone.") 2. 《素问·异法方宜论》:其病皆为痈疡,其治宜砭石。 (From "Suwen": "All diseases are sores; for treatment, it is appropriate to use stone needles.") 例: 又如: 砭割 (用石针治病。比喻忍痛除恶) (For example: "Bian cut" (using stone needles for treatment; metaphorically enduring pain to eliminate evil).) 地质: 1. 曲流凹岸由于水流拥挤而发生侵蚀的地点. (Geological: A location where curved riverbanks are eroded due to congested water flow.) 2. 方言: 山坡. (Dialect: hillside.) 引: 1. 柳青《铜墙铁壁》:他们这时正走在一道砭上,上头是山崖,下边是石岩,光秃秃的没一点遮拦。 (From Liu Qing: "At this moment, they were walking on a bian, with cliffs above and rocky terrain below, bare without any cover.") 动词 1. 古代用石针扎皮肉治病。后用金属针以治病,也称“砭”: (In ancient times, to pierce the flesh for treatment with a stone needle, later also done with metal needles, still called "bian": to pierce.) 引: 1. 《新唐书·则天武皇后传》:风上逆,砭头血可愈。 (From "New Tang Book": "When the wind is against, piercing the head can be cured.") 例: 又如: 砭磨 (用石针刺磨患处,引申为救时除弊); 砭熨 (用石针刺穴,用药物熨贴患处。指救治病痛) (For example: "Bian grinding" (using a stone needle to puncture and grind the affected area, extended to mean correcting wrongs in due time); "Bian application" (using a stone needle to puncture acupoints, applying medicine to the affected area, referring to treating ailments).) 2. 救治: (To treat and cure.) 引: 1. 王安石《舟中望九华山》:士病吾能砭。 (From Wang Anshi: "In the boat looking towards Jiuhua Mountain: I can pierce to cure the scholar's ailments.") 例: 又如: 砭俗 (救治庸俗) (For example: "Bian vulgarity" (to treat the vulgar).) 3. 刺: (To stab.) 引: 1. 欧阳修《秋声赋》:其气栗冽,砭人肌骨。 (From Ouyang Xiu: "The air is cold and piercing, stabbing through the flesh and bones.") 例: 又如: 砭骨 (For example: "Bian bone".)
zhēn biān shí bì
point out problems and persuade sb. to correct them
zhēn biān
to critique / to voice concerns about / ancient form of acupuncture using sharp stones as needles
biān shí
stone needle used in acupuncture
qīng huà biān
Qing Huabian

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Pinyin bian1
Four Corner
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