Learn to write the Chinese character "笼" by watching the stroke order animation of "笼".
Stroke by Stroke: 笼 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '笼' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '笼' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '笼' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '笼'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 用竹篾、木条编成的盛物器或罩物器 ([En.] a container or cover made of bamboo strips or wooden slats).
例如: 灯笼。熏笼。
2. 用竹篾、木条或金属丝等编插而成的养鸟或虫的器具 ([En.] a cage for keeping birds, insects, etc.).
例如: 鸡笼。鸟笼。蝈蝈笼。
3. 旧时囚禁犯人的东西 ([En.] an object used for imprisoning criminals in ancient times).
例如: 囚笼。牢笼。
4. 用竹木或金属材料制成的有盖的蒸东西器具 ([En.] a steaming device made of bamboo, wood, or metal).
例如: 笼屉。蒸笼。
5. 泛指包络之物 ([En.] a general term for items that enclose or envelop).
例如: 笼头。
6. 较大的箱子 ([En.] a larger box).
例如: 箱笼。
7. 遮盖,罩住 ([En.] to cover or shroud).
例如: 笼罩。烟笼雾罩。
8. 概括而不分明,不具体,称“笼统” ([En.] vague and general, referred to as 'lóngtǒng').
1. 生火 ([En.] to kindle a fire).
2. 在袖内藏东西 ([En.] to put something inside the sleeves).
3. 另见 lǒng ([En.] see also lǒng).
1. 生火 ([En.] to kindle a fire).
例如: 《红楼梦》:脚炉手炉也交出去了,你可逼着他们给你笼上。
2. 在袖内藏东西 ([En.] to put something in sleeve).
例如: 《乐府诗集》:笼盖四野。
3. 另见 lǒng ([En.] see also lǒng).
盛衣物的箱笼 ([En.] a large box or trunk for clothing).
例如: 笼仗(箱笼,行李);笼箧(竹箱,大的称笼,小的称箧)。
1. 笼罩,遮掩 ([En.] to shroud or cover).
例如: 杜牧《泊秦淮》:烟笼寒水月笼沙。
例: 笼天地于形内,挫万物于笔端。
2. 包括,包罗 ([En.] to include or envelop).
例如: 唐·柳宗元《钴鉧潭西小丘记》:丘之小不能一亩,可以笼而有之。
3. 缠绕,戴 ([En.] to twine or wind).
例如: 笼头(束发,做头发);笼络。
4. 牵制 ([En.] to pin down or tie up).
例如: 笼绊(羁绊,受牵制);笼驾(拦道阻行,影响、阻碍)。
5. 控制,垄断 ([En.] to control or monopolize).
例如: 笼扎(犹束缚)。
6. 点燃 ([En.] to light or kindle).
例如: 笼火(生火,点火)。
7. 另见 lóng ([En.] see also lóng).
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