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辜 stroke order animation

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辜 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 辜
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 辜
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Meaning of

(surname) / crime / sin
辜 [gū] 名词 〈基本义〉: 罪行 1. 罪 [En.] crime: 无~。~功(罪行)。死有余~。 No crime. Crime for achievement. Death is well-deserved. 2. 负,背 [En.] bear; carry: ~负。 Bear the burden. 3. 姓 [En.] surname: [No specific example available] 引文: 1. 《说文》: 辜,罪也。 段注:“辜本非常重罪,引申之凡有罪者皆曰辜。” (In the “Shuowen,” it states: "Gū refers to crime." The comment states: "Gū originally meant a severe crime; by extension, all those guilty are referred to as Gū.") 2. 《诗·小雅·正月》: 民之无辜。 (The people are without blame.) 3. 《诗·小雅·十月之交》: 无罪无辜。 (No crime, no blame.) 4. 《公羊传·宣公六年》: 天乎无辜。 (Heaven is without blame.) 5. 《庄子·则阳》: 至齐,见辜人焉。 (When arriving at Qi, saw the guilty people.) 6. 《韩非子·说疑》: 赏无功之人,罚不辜之民,非所谓明也。 (Rewarding the unworthy and punishing the innocent is not true clarity.) 7. 宋·文天祥《指南录后序》: 至海陵,如高沙,常恐无辜死。 (When arriving at Hailing, like Gaosha, often fearful of innocent deaths.) 例: 又如: 死有余辜; 无辜 (Also: death is well-deserved; innocent) 2. 灾难,祸害 [En.] calamity: 引文: 1. 《汉书》: 害遍生民,辜及朽骨。 (Disasters affect all people, calamity even to the rotten bones.) 3. 通“故”(gù)。原故,原因 [En.] reason; cause: 引文: 1. 《史记·屈原贾生列传》: 般纷纷其离此尤兮,亦夫子之辜也。 (As chaos ensued in separation, it was also due to the Master.) 动词 〈基本义〉: 1. 惩罚,治罪 [En.] punish: 引文: 1. 《说苑·杂言》: 挟目而辜。 (To bear eyes and punish.) 2. 肢解,分裂肢体 [En.] dismember: 引文: 1. 《周礼·秋官·掌戮》: 杀王之亲者辜之。 (Whoever kills the king's relatives shall be punished.) 2. 《韩非子·内储说上》: 大罪莫重辜磔于市。 (No crime is heavier than public dismemberment.) 例: 又如: 辜磔(肢解躯体并弃于市的一种酷刑); 辜人(受辜磔刑弃于市的人) (Also: dismemberment (a cruel punishment of dismembering the body and leaving it in public); guilty person (someone dismembered and left in public)) 3. 辜负,亏负 [En.] be unworthy of; let down: 引文: 1. 唐·白居易《戊申岁暮咏怀》: 幸得展张今日翅,不能辜负昔时心。 (Fortunately I can stretch my wings today, cannot fail the heart of the past.) 例: 又如: 辜恩不报; 辜人誓言; 辜恩背义(辜负恩德背弃大义,做出对不起别人的事) (Also: failing to repay kindness; guilty person’s oath; betraying kindness and righteousness (letting down others through ungrateful actions)) 4. 专固,垄断 [En.] monopoly: 引文: 1. 《后汉书·灵帝纪》: 初置騄骥监丞,领受郡国调马。豪右辜榷,马匹至二百万。 (Initially set up the horse inspector, responsible for receiving horses from the states. The powerful monopolized, the horses reached two million.) 例: 又如: 辜较(垄断,剥夺他人利益); 辜榷(独占,垄断,专固) (Also: monopolizing, depriving others’ benefits; monopolizing) 5. 通“苦”(kǔ)。困扰 [En.] puzzle; perplex: 引文: 1. 《春秋繁露·竹林》: 楚与中国侠(挟)而击之,郑罢弊危亡,终身愁辜。 (Chu attacked the Chinese hero, Zheng’s corruption led to disaster, and all his life worried about calamity.)
làn shā wú gū
willfully slaughter the innocent (idiom)
gū fù
to fail to live up (to expectations) / unworthy (of trust) / to let down / to betray (hopes) / to disappoint
wú gū
innocent / innocence / not guilty (law)
sǐ yǒu yú gū
death cannot wipe out the crimes (idiom); dreadful crimes that rankled even after the perpetrator is dead
wú gū zhě
innocent person

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