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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

袖 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

袖 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 袖
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 袖
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiù
袖 [xiù] 名 1. 衣服套在胳膊上的部分。 (English: The part of clothing that covers the arm.) - 例如: 袖子。套袖。袖标。 (For example: sleeve. Set sleeve. Sleeve tag.) 2. 藏在袖子里。 (English: Hidden in the sleeve.) - 例如: 袖藏。袖手旁观。袖刃(袖藏利刃)。 (For example: to hide in the sleeve. To stand by with hands in sleeves. Sleeve with a hidden blade.) 动 1. 藏物于袖中。 (English: To carry something in the sleeve.) 引 1. 《说文》:褎,袂也。字亦作褎、作袖。 (Example from "Shuo Wen": 褎 is the same as 袂. This character is also written as 褎 or 袖.) 2. 《文选·曹子建·乐府》:攘袖见素手。 (Example from "Wen Xuan": A hand is seen as the sleeve is pulled back.) 3. 《韩非子》:长袖善舞。 (Example from "Han Fei Zi": Long sleeves make for graceful dancing.) 例 如: 袖搭(衣袖多由两片布料缝合而成,靠近袖口的一截称为袖搭);袖佉(袖子的边口)。 (For example: 袖搭 (the part of the sleeve near the cuff made of two pieces of fabric sewn together); 袖佉 (the edge of the sleeve).) 动 1. 藏物于袖中。 (English: To carry something in the sleeve.) 引 1. 《史记·魏公子列传》:袖四十斤铁椎椎杀晋鄙。 (Example from "Records of the Grand Historian": He concealed forty pounds of iron weights in his sleeve to kill Jin Bi.) 2. 明·宗臣《报刘一丈书》:袖金以私之。 (Example from Ming Dynasty: He concealed gold in his sleeve for personal use.) 例 如: 袖占(在衣袖内占卜);袖演(袖占);袖刃(在衣袖中暗藏兵器);袖手(藏手于袖,表示闲逸的神态;也指不能或不欲参与其事)。 (For example: 袖占 (divination done in the sleeve); 袖演 (sleeve divination); 袖刃 (weapons hidden in the sleeve); 袖手 (hands hidden in the sleeves, indicating an indifferent attitude; also refers to not wanting or being unable to participate in something.)
fú xiù ér qù
to storm off in a huff (idiom)
fú xiù
give a flick of one's sleeve
xiù shǒu páng guān
to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger
xiù zhēn
pocket-sized / pocket (book etc)
shuǎi xiù zi
to swing one's sleeve (in anger)
xiù tǒng
xiù jiàn
spring-loaded arrow concealed in one's sleeve
lǐng xiù
leader / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
yī xiù
the sleeve of a garment
duǎn xiù shān
printed stretch short shirt / short-sleeved shirt
hóng xiù
Red sleeve
xiù zi
xiù kǒu
lǐng xiù xiàng
Leader like
cháng xiù
long sleeves / long-sleeved shirt
shuǐ xiù
flowing sleeves (part of theatrical costume)
wú xiù
duǎn xiù
short sleeves / short-sleeved shirt
xiù shǒu
liǎng xiù qīng fēng
lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands / uncorrupted / unsoiled by corrupt practices
xiù zhāng
armband (e.g. as part of uniform or to show status)
xiù guǎn
mǎ tí xiù
Horseshoe sleeve

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Input Method for
Pinyin xiu4
Four Corner
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