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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

對 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

對 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 對
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 對
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin duì
couple / pair / to be opposite / to oppose / to face / for / to / correct (answer) / to answer / to reply / to direct (towards sth) / right
對 duì 1. 答,答話,回答。 Answer; reply. 2. 朝着。 Toward; directed at. 3. 處於相反方向的。 In the opposite direction. 4. 跟,和。 With; and. 5. 互相,彼此相向地。 Mutually; facing each other. 6. 說明事物的關係。 Explain the relationship of things. 7. 看待,應付。 Treat; deal with. 8. 照着樣檢查。 Check according to the sample. 9. 投合,適合,使相合。 Match; fit; make agree. 10. 正確,正常,表肯定的答語。 Correct; normal; to express affirmation in response. 11. 雙,成雙的。 Pair; in twos. 12. 平分,一半。 Divided; half. 13. 攙和(多指液體)。 Mix (often refers to liquids). 14. 量詞,雙。 Measure word for pairs. 對 duì 1. 答,答話,回答:~答如流。無言以~。 Answer; reply: Quick to respond. Speechless in response. 2. 朝着:~酒當歌。 Toward: Drink and sing. 3. 處於相反方向的:~面。 In the opposite direction: opposite side. 4. 跟,和:~他商量一下。 With: Discuss it with him. 5. 互相,彼此相向地:~立。~流。~接。 Mutually; face to face: Stand opposite; flowing toward each other; receive each other. 6. 說明事物的關係:~於。~這事有意見。 Explain the relationship of things: To this matter, I have opinions. 7. 看待,應付:~待。 Treat; deal with: Treat well. 8. 照着樣檢查:核~。校~。 Check according to the sample: Verify; proofread. 9. 投合,適合,使相合:~應。~勁。 Match; fit: Correspond; coordinate. 10. 正確,正常,表肯定的答語:神色不~。 Correct; normal; to express affirmation in response: The expression is not correct. 11. 雙,成雙的:配~。~偶。 Pair; in twos: Matching; pairs. 12. 平分,一半:~開。 Divided; half: Split in half. 13. 攙和(多指液體):~水。 Mix (often refers to liquids): Mixed with water. 14. 量詞,雙:一~鸚鵡。 Measure word for pairs: A pair of parrots. 對 duì Noun: 1. 配偶。 Spouse. 2. 對手,敵對者。 Opponent; adversary. 3. 對策,一種反措施,用以反對、抑制或抵消另一種措施、辦法或手段。 Countermeasure, a response to oppose or negate another measure. 4. 對子,對偶的詞句; 又指對聯。 Antithetical couplet; also refers to couplets. 5. 姓。 Surname. 對 duì Adjective: 1. 意見、判斷或程序上正確。 Right; correct in opinion, judgment, or procedure. 2. 相互; 兩人在一起。 Together; mutual. 對 duì Measure word: Used for pairs of people or items based on gender, left/right, front/back, etc. 對 duì Preposition: 1. 朝,向——用作虛詞,表示動作的對象。 Toward; as a function word indicating the object of an action. 2. 對待。用法大致同“對於”。 Treat; the usage is similar to "toward."
duì yú
regarding / as far as sth is concerned / with regards to

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Input Method for
Pinyin dui4
Four Corner
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