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秣 stroke order animation

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秣 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 秣
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 秣
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Meaning of

feed a horse with grain / horse feed
秣 [mò] 名词 1. 牲口的饲料:粮秣。 Feed for livestock: grain feed. 2. 喂牲口:秣马厉兵(亦作“厉兵秣马”)。 To feed livestock: to prepare horses and soldiers for battle (also written as "prepare soldiers and feed horses"). 动词 1. 秣马秣驹(本为喂马及驹,借指求婚)。 To feed horses and foals (originally meaning feeding horses and foals, is also used to refer to asking for marriage). 2. 秣马(喂饱马匹)。 To feed horses (to satiate horses). 3. 秣谷(用谷物喂马)。 To feed horses with grain. 引例 1. 杜甫《敬简王明府》:骥病思偏秣。 Du Fu's "Respectfully Simplifying the Wang Mingfu": The horse is ill and misses its feed. 2. 《周礼·天官》:七日刍秣之式。 "Rites of Zhou, Ministry of Heaven": The regulations for seven days of feeding and fodder. 3. 《诗·周南·汉广》:之子于归,言秣其马。 "Book of Songs, Southern Zhou, Han River": As the man returns home, he speaks of feeding his horse. 4. 《左传·僖公三十三年》:郑穆公使视客馆,则束载,厉兵,秣马矣。 "Zuo Zhuan, Year 33 of Duke Xi": Duke Mu of Zheng sent to inspect the guest house, then prepared troops and fed the horses. 例子 又如: 刍秣(刍为喂牛羊的草饲料; 秣为喂马的谷饲料) Also, for example: fodder (chur refers to feed for cattle and sheep; mo refers to grain feed for horses).
lì bīng mò mǎ
get ready for fight
liáng mò
provisions (e.g. military) / forage / fodder

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