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群 stroke order animation

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群 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 群
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 群
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Meaning of

Pinyin qún
crowd / flock / group
群 qún 名 1. Gathered as a group; collected together. (相聚成伙的,聚集在一起的) - 例如: 群岛 (island group), 群山 (mountain range), 群书 (a collection of books), 群芳 (a group of flowers) 2. The multitude; common people. (众人) - 例如: 群众 (the masses), 群情 (public sentiment), 群雄 (heroes in numbers), 群策群力 (joint efforts) 3. A measure word used for groups of people or objects. (量词,用于成群的人或物) - 例如: 一群孩子 (a group of children) 动 1. To gather together; assemble. (聚集;会合,联合) - 例如: 群聚 (gather), 群而不党 (assemble together without forming factions) 2. To comply with convention. (随俗) 形 1. Many; grouped together. (众多) - 例如: 群英 (many talented individuals), 群声 (a chorus of voices) 群 1. A collective of three or more animals (or people) gathered together. ([En.] crowd; group) 2. Friends; peers. ([En.] friends). 3. Common people; the masses. ([En.] common people). 4. A group; a collective social unit. ([En.] group). 5. A general reference to a majority. ([En.] majority). 6. Refers to people. 7. Refers to things. 量 Used for groups of gathered people or objects (如: herd; group; flock). - 例如: 一群天鹅 (a flock of swans), 一群野火鸡 (a group of wild turkeys), 一群白蚁 (a swarm of termites) Examples of usage: - 群才 (talented individuals) - 群生 (all living beings) - 群立 (standing in a crowd) - 群儿 (a group of children, often used derogatorily) - 群品 (all things; in Buddhism refers to living beings) References: - 群之长 (leaders of the group) - 大夫不掩群 (officials should not hide their group) - 群疑满服 (mass doubts filling hearts) - 群聚而笑 (gathering and laughing together) ### In summary: The character "群" represents the concept of gathering, community, and collective units in various contexts, from referring to groups of people and animals to its usages in idiomatic expressions and literature.
gǔ mù qún
mù qún
tombs / cemetery
qún qíng jī fèn
qún dǎo
group of islands / archipelago
jiàn zhù qún
building complex
bǎi mù dà qún dǎo
qún rú
bǐ sī mài qún dǎo
Bismarck Islands
qún méng
the common herd / the mob
qún tǐ
community / colony
qún zhòng xìng
to do with the masses / mass (meeting, movement etc)
hú qún gǒu dǎng
a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs (idiom) / a gang of rogues
láng qún
wolf pack
hóu qún
Monkey Group
Liú qiú Qún dǎo
Ryukyu Islands / Okinawa 沖繩|冲绳[Chong1 sheng2] and other islands of modern Japan
chù qún
Xùn tā Qún dǎo
Sunda Islands (Malay archipelago)
Mǎ shào ěr Qún dǎo
Marshall Islands
yáng qún
flock of sheep
yī qún
covey / boodle / a group of / a flock of / a cluster of
rén qún
zhǒng qún
population (of a species) / community (of animals or plants)
qún shān
mountains / a range of hills
chéng qún
in groups / large numbers of / grouping
qún xióng
outstanding heroes / warlords vying for supremacy (in former times) / stars (of sports or pop music)
chāo qún
surpassing / preeminent / outstanding
qún luò
community / (science) biocoenosis / ecological community
qún zhòng yùn dòng
mass movement
jí qún
clan / to clan together / to flock together
qún yīng
assemblage of talented individuals / ensemble of heroes
sān wǔ chéng qún
in groups of three or four (idiom)
lèi qún
monoid / class group / group of classes
qún zhòng
mass / multitude / the masses
qún fāng
all flowers / all beauties / all talents
fēng qún
bee colony / swarm / CL:隊|队[dui4]
bó lǎn qún shū
well-read / very widely read / extensively read
gē qún
Pigeon flock
hè lì jī qún
a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom); way above the common / manifestly superior

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Input Method for
Pinyin qun2
Four Corner
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