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骂 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 骂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 骂
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Meaning of

scold / abuse
骂 mà 1. 用粗野或带恶意的话侮辱人。 [En.] To insult someone with coarse or malicious words. 例:骂人。骂街。骂名。咒骂。辱骂。 [Ex.] To curse at someone. To curse the street. To be infamous. To curse. To insult. 2. 斥责。 [En.] To reprimand. 例:他父亲骂他没出息。 [Ex.] His father scolded him for being useless. 【本义】: 用粗语或恶意的话侮辱人 [En.] The original meaning: To insult someone with coarse language or malicious words. 【造字法】: 形声。从吅 (xuān),马声。吅,喧闹声。 [En.] Character construction: Phono-semantic; combining "吅" (xuān) with the sound of "马" (horse). "吅" represents noise. 同本义 ([En.] abuse; curse; scold) 增益。通“隖” ([En.] gain) 痛斥 ([En.] scathingly denounce; trounce; bitterly attack) 引文: 1. 《世说新语·方正》:对子骂父。 [Ex.] In "Shishuo Xinyu", it says: scolding one's father. 2. 唐·柳宗元《答韦中立论师道书》:群怪聚骂。 [Ex.] In "Tang Dynasty", Liu Zongyuan wrote: a group of monsters gathered to curse. 3. 《史记·魏公子列传》:窃骂侯生。 [Ex.] In "Records of the Grand Historian", there was a secret curse against Hou Sheng. 例: 又如: 斥骂 (责骂。用严厉的话责备);咒骂 (用恶毒的话骂);笑骂 (讥笑并辱骂);辱骂 (污辱谩骂) [Ex.] Such as: reprimand (to scold with harsh words); to curse (to insult with malicious language); sarcastic cursing (ridicule and insult); to insult (to abuse verbally). 更详细的含义: 1. 增益。通“隖” ([En.] gain) 引文: 1. 《盐铁论》:商则长诈,工则饰骂。 [Ex.] In "Salt and Iron", it mentions: merchants are deceitful, laborers fabricate curses. 2. 痛斥 ([En.] scathingly denounce; trounce; bitterly attack) 引文: 1. 《汉书·李广苏建传》:武骂律曰。 [Ex.] In "Book of Han", it says: the military denounced the laws. 2. 宋·文天祥《后序》:骂逆贼。 [Ex.] In Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang wrote: curse the traitors. 3. 清·邵长蘅《青门剩稿》:应元骂曰。 [Ex.] In Qing Dynasty, Shao Changheng wrote: in response, he scolded. 4. 《战国策·燕策》:箕踞以骂。 [Ex.] In "Strategies of the Warring States", it states: scold while reclining. 5. 清·全祖望《梅花岭记》:大骂而死。 [Ex.] In Qing Dynasty, Quan Zuowang wrote: died after a great scolding.
zhòu mà
to damn / to curse / to revile
mà ma liē liē
to swear while talking / to be foul-mouthed
chì mà
to curse / to berate angrily
tuò mà
to spit on and curse / to revile
cháo mà
xī xiào nù mà
lit. laughs, jeers, anger and invective (idiom) / fig. all kinds of emotions / to mock and scold / (of writing) freely roving / following the author's fancy
nù mà
to curse in rage
ái mà
to receive a scolding
chì mà
to scold
zhǐ sāng mà huái
lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree / fig. to scold sb indirectly / to make oblique accusations (idiom)
dǎ qíng mà qiào
to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her / to flirt with a member of the opposite sex / to banter flirtatiously
chòu mà
tongue-lashing / to chew out / CL:頓|顿[dun4]
màn mà
to hurl abuse / to deride / to call sb names
gòu mà
to revile / to abuse verbally
rǔ mà
to insult / to revile / abuse / vituperation
mà rén
to swear or curse (at people) / to scold or yell at someone
pò kǒu dà mà
to abuse roundly
tòng mà
to bawl out / to reprimand severely
jiào mà
shout curses
zé mà
to scold
mà shēng
reproach / condemning / curse / abuse / scold / oath
dǎ mà
to beat and scold
xiào mà
to deride / to mock / (jocularly) to heckle good-naturedly / to razz
mà niáng
to curse (at sb) / to call sb names
mà bù jué kǒu
to scold without end (idiom); incessant abuse
mà míng
infamy / blackened name

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Pinyin ma4
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