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缟 stroke order animation

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缟 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 缟
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 缟
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Meaning of

Pinyin gǎo
plain white silk
缟 (gǎo) 1. 未经染色的绢。 (English: plain white raw silk.) 2. 白色。 (English: white.) Example: “连观霜缟,周除冰净。” (English: "Looking at the white frost, the ice is completely cleared away.") 另外: 缟素 (gǎo sù). 缟 (gǎo) 名: (形声。从糸,表示与线丝有关,高声。本义:细白的生绢) 1. 同本义 (English: plain white raw silk.) 引文: 1. 《说文》:缟,鲜色也。按,鲜色当作鲜巵。熟帛曰练,生帛曰缟。 (English: "In 'Shuowen,' it says that 'gǎo' is a bright color. Note that bright colors are meant to be bright silk. The finished silk is called 'liàn,' and the raw silk is called 'gǎo.'") 2. 《书·禹贡》:厥篚元纤缟。传:“白缯。” (English: "In 'Shu,' it states that the first silk is plain white silk.") 3. 《左传·襄公二十九年》:与之缟带。 (English: "From 'Zuo Zhuan,' it refers to the white silk belt.") 4. 《小尔雅》:缯之精者曰缟。 (English: "In 'Xiao Er Ya,' the finest silk is called 'gǎo.'") 5. 《韩非子·说林上》:鲁人身善织屦,妻善织缟。 (English: "In 'Han Feizi,' it notes that the people of Lu excel in weaving shoes, and their wives excel in weaving gǎo.") 6. 晁错《论贵粟疏》:乘坚策肥,履丝曳缟。 (English: "In the essay by Chao Cuo, it states: riding on strong and fat steeds, stepping on silk and dragging gǎo.") 7. 《资治通鉴》:曹操之众,远来疲敝,闻追豫州,轻骑一日一夜行三百余里,此所谓“强弩之末势不能穿鲁缟”者也。 (English: "In 'Zizhi Tongjian,' it mentions that Cao Cao's troops, weary from traveling far, upon hearing they would pursue Yuzhou, rode light horses day and night for over three hundred miles. This is referred to as 'the end of a strong bow cannot penetrate the gǎo of Lu.'") 例: 1. 缟袂 (white silk garment, symbolizing white begonia). 2. 缟衣綦巾 (white silk top and light green apron, worn by women in ancient times). 3. 缟冠 (hat made of white raw silk). 4. 缟练 (white silk). 缟 (gǎo) 形: 1. 白色 (English: white.) 引文: 1. 《列子·汤问》:其上台观皆金玉,其上禽兽皆纯缟。 (English: "In 'Liezi,' it describes that all the platforms are made of gold and jade, and the animals there are pure white.") 2. 《小尔雅·广诂》:缟,素也。 (English: "In 'Xiao Er Ya,' it states that gǎo is synonymous with purity.") 3. 《诗·郑风·出其东门》:缟衣綦巾。 (English: "In 'Shi Jing,' it mentions the white silk clothing and headscarf.") 4. 《汉书·高帝纪》:兵皆缟素。注:“白也。” (English: "In 'Han Shu,' it mentions that all the soldiers are dressed in white.") 5. 《战国策·魏策》:天下缟素。 (English: "In 'Strategies of the Warring States,' it states that the world is all about white.") 6. 《后汉书·顺帝纪》:帝缟素避正殿。 (English: "In 'Hou Han Shu,' it mentions that the emperor avoided the main hall in gǎo and white.") 7. 南朝宋·谢惠连《雪赋》:眄隰则万顷同缟,瞻山则千岩俱白。 (English: "In 'Snow Poem' by Xie Huilian of the Southern Song, it describes the vast fields appearing like gǎo and the thousand cliffs all being white.") 例: 1. 缟巾 (white headscarf). 2. 缟带 (white silk ribbon, metaphorically referring to the purity of snow). 3. 缟羽 (white feather). 4. 缟衣 (white male clothing). 5. 缟武 (white underbrim of a hat). 缟 (gǎo) 动: 1. 映照 (English: shine). 例: 1. 缟夜 (illuminating the dark night). 2. 月明缟树 (moonlight shining on the big tree).
gǎo sù
white silk mourning dress

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Pinyin gao3
Four Corner
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