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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

酝 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

酝 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 酝
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 酝
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Meaning of

Pinyin yùn
to brew
酝 (yùn) 1. 酿酒: brew; ferment. - 示例: 春酝夏成 (Brew in spring, mature in summer). 2. 指酒: wine. - 示例: 佳酝 (fine wine). 【本义】: 酿酒 (Original meaning: brew; ferment) 【造字法】: 形声。从酉(yǒu),昷(wēn)声。简体字“云”声。从“酉”,与酒有关。(Character formation: phonetic compound. It consists of 酉 (yǒu) and the phonetic component 昷 (wēn). The simplified character "云" shares the same phonetic with "酉", relating to wine.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] brew; ferment) - 引: 《说文》:酝,酿也。 (From "Shuowen": "酝" means to brew.) - 引: 《梼杌闲评——明珠缘》: "壁也瓦瓮,白沴沴满贮村醪;架上磁瓶,香馥馥新开社酝." (About brewing and preparations.) - 引: 曹植《曹子建集》: "或秋藏冬发,或春醒夏成。" (Brew in fall, to mature in winter; awaken in spring, become wine in summer.) - 引: 张衡《南都赋》: "酒则九酝醴,十旬兼清." (Referencing the quality and characteristics of different wines.) 示例: 酝酒 (to brew wine); 酝户 (a family specializing in brewing); 酝造 (to create, to brew). 2. 逐渐造成 ([En.] brew; ferment) - 引: 明· 凌义渠《代贺吴云麓荣封序》: "公盖酝百家之精,兼六朝秀,而一禀之。" (He gathers the essence of many families and the beauty of the six dynasties into one.) 【名】(Noun) 1. 酒 ([En.] wine) - 引: 《随书》: "宜城酝始熟,阳翟曲新调。" (A description of the wine maturation process.) - 示例: 酝醪 (fermented wine); 酝香 (the aroma of wine); 酝熟 (the wine has matured). 2. 酒曲 ([En.] yeast) - 引: 《仓颉篇》: "酝,酒母也。" (In "Cangjie Pian": "酝" refers to the mother of wine, or yeast.)
yùn niàng
(of alcohol) to ferment / (of a crisis) to be brewing / to mull over (an issue) / to hold exploratory discussions

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Input Method for
Pinyin yun4
Four Corner
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