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痛 stroke order animation

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痛 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 痛
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 痛
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Meaning of

Pinyin tòng
ache / pain / sorrow
痛 [tòng] Meaning: 1. A feeling of discomfort caused by illness, injury, etc. 疾病、创伤等引起的难受的感觉。 2. Sorrow. 悲伤。 3. To the fullest, deeply, thoroughly. 尽情地,深切地,彻底地。 Detailed Definitions: 1. A feeling of discomfort caused by illness, injury, etc.: 头痛。肚子痛。痛风。痛痒(a. Metaphorically refers to suffering, e.g., "痛痛相关"; b. Refers to urgent matters, e.g., "不关痛痒")。 2. Sorrow: 悲痛。哀痛。痛楚。痛惜。痛不欲生。 3. To the fullest, deeply, thoroughly: 痛击。痛悼。痛责。痛快。痛改前非。 Synonyms: 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] ache; pain) 2. Painful feelings due to hatred ([En.] hate) 3. Deeply regret; take pity on ([En.] deeply regret; take pity on) 4. For example: 痛惋 (to deeply regret and lament) 5. Damage ([En.] damage) 6. Love dearly; have tender affection for ([En.] love dearly; have tender affection for) 7. Do one's utmost; try one's best ([En.] do one’s utmost; try one’s best) Adjective: 1. Painful, feeling extremely uncomfortable physically or mentally ([En.] painful; sad) 2. Grieved; sorrowful ([En.] grieved; sorrowful) 3. With intense sorrow; most sorrowfully ([En.] with intense sorrow; most sorrowfully) 4. Very happy; delighted ([En.] very happy; delighted) 5. Harsh; severe ([En.] harsh; bitter; severe) Adverb: 1. Extremely; deeply; thoroughly ([En.] extremely; deeply; thoroughly) 2. Thoroughly ([En.] thoroughly) 3. Deeply ([En.] deeply)
āi tòng
to grieve / to mourn / deep sorrow / grief
tòng kū
to cry bitterly
tòng kū liú tì
weeping bitter tears
bào tóu tòng kū
to weep disconsolately / to cry on each other's shoulder
tòng chè
cì tòng
stab of pain / sting / fig. stimulus to action / a prick
jù tòng
acute pain / sharp pain / twinge / stab / pang
rěn tòng
to suffer / fig. reluctantly
tòng kuài
delighted / to one's heart's content / straightforward / also pr. [tong4 kuai5]
tòng hèn
to detest / to loathe / to abhor
tòng huǐ
lament / deeply regret
bēi tòng
grieved / sorrowful
tòng dào
mourn deeply
tòng xī
to lament
cǎn tòng
bitter / painful / deeply distressed
tòng chì
to criticize harshly / to denounce / to attack viciously
tòng chǔ
pain / anguish / suffering
tòng bù yù shēng
to be so in pain as to not want to live / to be so grieved as to wish one were dead
zhǐ tòng
to relieve pain / to stop pain / analgesic
tòng kuài lín lí
joyous / hearty / spirited / incisive
zhuó tòng
burn (i.e. wound) / burning pain
shāng tòng
pain (from wound) / sorrow
téng tòng
pain / ache / sore
tòng kǔ
pain / suffering / painful / CL:個|个[ge4]
tòng xīn jí shǒu
bitter and hateful (idiom) / to grieve and lament (over sth)
tòng yǎng
pain and itch / sufferings / importance / consequence
wú guān tòng yǎng
not to affect sb / irrelevant / of no importance / insignificant
bù tòng bù yǎng
lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what / fig. not getting to any matter of substance / scratching the surface / superficial / perfunctory
bù guān tòng yǎng
unimportant / of no consequence
tóu tòng
to have a headache
tòng xīn
grieved / pained
chén tòng
grief / remorse / deep in sorrow / bitter (anguish) / profound (condolences)
xīn tòng
to feel distressed about sth / heartache / cardiac pain
fù tòng
bellyache / stomach pain
tòng dǎ
to beat sb soundly
zhèn tòng
analgesic / pain killer
suān tòng
to ache
xīn jiǎo tòng
jiǎo tòng
sharp pain / cramp / griping pain / colic / angina, cf 心絞痛|心绞痛
dù zi tòng
stomachache / bellyache
qiè fū zhī tòng
keenly felt pain / bitter anguish
zhǒng tòng
xiōng tòng
stethalgia / thoracalgia / chest pain / thoracodynia / pectoralgia
tòng yǐn
to drink one's fill
tòng mà
to bawl out / to reprimand severely
tòng rù gǔ suǐ
Pain in the bone marrow

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Pinyin tong4
Four Corner
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