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香 stroke order animation

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香 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 香
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 香
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiāng
fragrant / incense / (of food) savory / appetizing / sweet / scented / popular
香 [xiāng] 形 (Adjective) 1. 气味好闻,与“臭”相对。 [En.] Good-smelling, opposed to "stinky." 2. 舒服。 [En.] Comfortable. 3. 味道好。 [En.] Delicious taste. 4. 受欢迎。 [En.] Popular. 5. 称一些天然或人造的有香味的东西。 [En.] Refers to some natural or artificial fragrant items. 6. 旧时用以形容女子事物或作女子的代称。 [En.] Formerly used to describe things related to women or as a term for women. 7. 祭祖、敬神所烧的用木屑搀上香料做成的细条。 [En.] Thin strips made from wood shavings mixed with spices, burned for ancestor worship or to honor gods. 8. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 名 (Noun) 1. 草木香料,常掺以木屑做成细条,点燃用以祭祀祖先或神佛。 [En.] Incense; perfume or spice made from plant materials, commonly blended with wood shavings, used for burning during ancestor worship or to honor deities. 2. 指香炉。 [En.] Refers to incense burner. 3. 指花。 [En.] Refers to flowers. 4. 形容有关女子的事物。 [En.] Describes matters related to women. 5. 指年轻貌美的女子。 [En.] Refers to a young and beautiful woman. 6. 好的名声。 [En.] A good reputation. 7. 旧时秘密结社的宗派称号。 [En.] A title for secret societies in ancient times. 动 (Verb) 1. 亲,亲吻。 [En.] Kiss. 2. 抽;吸(鸦片烟)。 [En.] Smoke (referring to opium).
xiāng wèi
fragrance / bouquet / sweet smell / CL:股[gu3]
chī xiāng
popular / in demand / well regarded
xiāng pēn pēn
delicious / savory
yōu xiāng
delicate fragrance
lián xiāng xī yù
to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex (idiom)
mǒ xiāng jīng
sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) / cachalot
niān xiāng
burn incense
xiāng lán
Haraella retrocalla / Chinese cymbidium
xiāng fěi
Chinese torreya / Torreya grandis
fēng xiāng
xiāng xiè
Xiāng xiè lì shè Dà jiē
Avenue des Champs-Élysées
xiāng bīn jiǔ
champagne (loanword) / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1]
xiāng bīn
champagne (loanword)
xiāng zhāng
yellow cinnamon root or stem
tán xiāng shàn
sandalwood fan / sandal wood fan
xiāng xiāo yù yǔn
Fragrant Xiaoyu
Xiāng gǎng
Hong Kong
chén xiāng
Chinese eaglewood / agarwood tree (Aquilaria agallocha) / lignum aloes
nóng xiāng
strong fragrance / pungent
xiāng gǎng jìn huì dà xué
Hong Kong Baptist University
lóng xián xiāng
xiāng gǎng tè qū
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
xiāng lú
a censer (for burning incense) / incense burner / thurible
xiāng zhú
joss stick and candle
xiāng yān
cigarette / smoke from burning incense / CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
shāo xiāng
to burn incense
fén xiāng
to burn incense
fén xiāng lǐ bài
Incense worship
tián xiāng
fragrant and sweet
xiāng zào
perfumed soap / toilet soap / CL:塊|块[kuai4]
dào xiāng cūn
Daoxiang Village(品牌名)
kǒu xiāng táng
chewing gum
xiāng cháng
sausage / CL:根[gen1]
yún xiāng
Rutaceae / the citrus family
xiāng cuì
delicious and crispy / fragrant and crispy
huí xiāng
fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
xiāng yù
henry steudnera tuber
fāng xiāng
balmy / fragrant / aromatic (chemistry)
xiāng máo
lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus)
xiāng jiāo
banana / CL:枝[zhi1],根[gen1],個|个[ge4],把[ba3]
huí xiāng dòu
star anise-flavored fava beans (snack from Shaoxing, Zhejiang province)
xiǎo huí xiāng
fennel / fennel seed
xiāng rú
elsholtzia / herba elsholtziae / Chinese mosla Herb
huò xiāng
wrinkled giant hyssop / Agastache rugosa (botany)
xiāng gū
shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom
xiāng pú
Typha orientalis / broadleaf cumbungi / bulrush / cattail
xiāng xùn
shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom
wén xiāng
mosquito-repellent incense or coil
xiāng là
mí dié xiāng
rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
xiāng chún
rich and mellow (flavor or aroma)
xiāng yè chún
geraniol (chemistry)
xīn xiāng
fragrance / fragrant (of incense)
piāo xiāng
(of a fragrance) to waft about / (fig.) (of foods) to become popular in other places as well
xiāng ěr
Incense bait
xiāng liào
spice / flavoring / condiment / perfume
xiāng shuǐ
perfume / cologne
xiāng huǒ
incense burning in front of a temple / burning joss sticks
xiāng jīng
seasoning / condiment / flavoring / dressing / essences
xiāng qì
fragrance / aroma / incense
xiāng zhǔ
Incense master
shè xiāng
yī xiāng bìn yǐng
Yixiang Temple

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Pinyin xiang1
Four Corner
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