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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

芋 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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芋 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 芋
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 芋
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Meaning of

Colocasia antiquorum
芋 [yù] 1. A perennial herbaceous plant, cultivated as an annual. It has a fleshy bulb underground that is rich in starch, making it edible and also useful in medicine. Commonly known as "yuni" (芋奶), "yuna" (芋艿), and "yutou" (芋头). 2. Refers to "potato" (马铃薯). 3. Refers to "sweet potato" (甘薯). 4. Refers to "water chestnut" (荸荠). 1. A perennial herbaceous plant, cultivated as an annual. It has a fleshy bulb underground that is rich in starch, making it edible and also useful in medicine. Commonly known as "yuni" (芋奶), "yuna" (芋艿), and "yutou" (芋头). 2. Refers to "potato": "yangyù" (洋~). 3. Refers to "sweet potato": "shanyù" (山~). 4. Refers to "water chestnut": "wūyù" (乌~). 本义: 植物名。俗称“芋艿”. Primary Meaning: Name of a plant. Commonly known as "yuna" (芋艿). 造字法: 形声。从艸,于声. Character Formation: Phonetic compound. It consists of the "grass" radical and the sound component. 同本义 ([En.] taro) Same as the primary meaning ([En.] taro). 泛指薯类植物 ([En.] tuber crops). General reference to tuber crops ([En.] tuber crops). 引: 1. "Shuowen Jiezi": 芋, large leaf and root, outrageous, hence called yù. 2. "Records of the Grand Historian - Annals of Xiang Yu": The soldiers ate yù and soybeans. 3. "Rites of Zhou - Rites of Mourning for a Gentleman": It includes sunflower paste and taro. 例: 如: 芋火 (carbon fire for cooking taro); 芋渠 (large taro, same as "yukui"); 芋荷 (yuna, named for its resemblance to lotus leaves, in southern regions, the leaves and stalks of yutou are called yam leaves); 芋火 (fire for cooking taro); 芋郎君 (a pastry shaped like a human figure made from taro); 芋魁 (the tuber of taro, a general term for tuber plants); 芋魁豆饭 (metaphor for coarse food). 泛指薯类植物 ([En.] tuber crops). Broad reference to tuber crops ([En.] tuber crops). 例: 如: 山芋 (mountain yam); 洋芋 (foreign yam).
yáng yù
(dialect) potato
yù nǎi
yù tou
mó yù
see 蒟蒻[ju3 ruo4]
jú yù
Jerusalem artichoke
xiāng yù
henry steudnera tuber
shān yù
sweet potato

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters

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Input Method for
Pinyin yu4
Four Corner
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