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牛 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 牛
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 牛
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Meaning of

Pinyin niú
ox / cow / bull
牛 [niú] 1. A mammal with hooves at the end of its toes and a pair of horns on its head. It is a ruminant animal, very strong, capable of plowing fields and pulling carts. Its meat and milk are edible, and its horns, skin, and bones can be used to make implements. 2. A star name, one of the twenty-eight lunar lodges. 3. A metaphor for stubbornness or pride. 4. A surname. 牛 [niú] 1. A mammal with hooves at the end of its toes and a pair of horns on its head. It is a ruminant animal, very strong, capable of plowing fields and pulling carts. Its meat and milk are edible, and its horns, skin, and bones can be used to make implements: 牛刀小试 (implying to display significant abilities in small matters). 牛黄, 牛角. 2. A star name, referring to the star in the Bull constellation: 牛斗 (indicating the star Bull and the star Dipper). 3. A metaphor for stubbornness or pride: 牛气. 4. A surname. 牛 [niú] (Noun) 1. (Pictographic. The glyph for "牛" in oracle bone script appears as "牜". The vertical line represents the cow's face, the two curved lines above represent its horns, and the two small strokes below represent its ears.) 2. Members of the genus or related genus. A robust mammal with hollow horns that extend outward in a large arc from the skull. Strong enough to plow fields and pull carts. The main types produced in China are yellow cattle and water buffalo (English: ox; cattle). 3. Star name. An abbreviation for the constellation 牛宿 (Sagittarius). 4. A surname. 牛 [niú] (Adjective) Metaphorically used to describe a stubborn or obstinate character (English: stubbornness; obstinacy). For example: 牛心左性 (stubborn-minded, biased in temperament); 牛劲. It is also used to imply docility, slowness, clumsiness, and great strength. For example: 笨牛; 大牛. 牛 [niú] (Noun) 1. (Pictographic. The glyph for "牛" in oracle bone script appears as "牜". The vertical line represents the cow's face, the two curved lines above represent its horns, and the two small strokes below represent its ears.) 2. Members of the genus or related genus. A robust mammal with hollow horns that extend outward in a large arc from the skull. Strong enough to plow fields and pull carts. The main types produced in China are yellow cattle and water buffalo (English: ox; cattle). 引 (Reference) 1. 《说文》: 牛, 大牲也。 (Shuowen Jiezi: Cow, a large livestock.) 2. 《易·说卦》: 坤为子母牛。 (I Ching: Kun represents the mother and child cow.) 3. 《左传·昭公五年》: 纯离为牛。 (Zuo Zhuan: Chún Lí is regarded as a cow.) 4. 《礼记·坊记》: 东邻杀牛。 (Liji: The eastern neighbor kills a cow.) 5. 《大戴礼记·曾子天圆》: 牛曰太牢。 (Daxie Liji: The cow is called a great sacrificial offering.) 6. 《周礼·载师》: 牛田牧田。司农注: "牛田以养公家之牛。" (Zhouli: Cows in the fields and pastures. The Ministry of Agriculture states: Fields for raising the public's cattle.) 7. 《乐府诗集·敕勒歌》: 风吹草低见牛羊。 (Yuefu: The wind blows the grass low, revealing cows and sheep.) 8. 唐· 白居易《卖炭翁》: 系向牛头充炭直。 (Tang dynasty, Bai Juyi: Tied to the cow's head to load coal directly.) 9. 《聊斋志异·促织》: 不数岁,田百顷,楼阁万椽,牛羊蹄躈各千计。 (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: In just a few years, numerous fields and buildings were brought together, with thousands of sheep and cattle.) 例 (Example) For instance: 耕牛 (ox used for plowing); 牛酒 (cows and wine); 牛旄 (the tail of the cow); 牛性 (the nature of cows); 牛埭 (pulling boats over dams using cow power); 牛领 (the cow's neck); 牛具 (farm tools for cattle); 牛刀 (a knife for slaughtering cows, often a metaphor for a crucial tool); 牛蓑 (cow clothes, generic term for grass cloaks); 牛骥同皂 (cows and horses share the same trough, implying the foolish not discerning the wise; 牛骥共牢); 牛后 (the cow's anus, metaphorically implying a subordinate position); 牛眠地 (a suitable burial site). 牛 [niú] 3. Star name. An abbreviation for the constellation 牛宿 (Sagittarius). 引 (Reference) 1. 《晋书·张华传》: 吴之未灭也,斗、牛之间常有紫气。 (Book of Jin: Before Wu was defeated, there was often purple气 between the stars Dipper and Bull.) 4. A surname. 牛 [niú] (Adjective) Metaphorically used to describe a stubborn or obstinate character (English: stubbornness; obstinacy). For example: 牛心左性 (stubborn-minded, biased in temperament); 牛劲. It is also used to imply docility, slowness, clumsiness, and great strength. For example: 笨牛; 大牛.
chuī niú
to talk big / to shoot off one's mouth / to chat (dialect)
chuī niú pí
to boast / to talk big
niú nǎi
cow's milk / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1]
nǎi niú
milk cow / dairy cow
fàng niú wá
child cowherd
páo dīng jiě niú
Pao Ding Jie Niu
hàn niú chōng dòng
lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books
niú péng
cowshed / lair / byre
niú ròu
niú dú
dùn niú ròu
goulash / gulash / bully (beef) / stew beef
Fú niú shān
Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extension of Qinling range 秦嶺山脈|秦岭山脉[Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4], Shaanxi
xiǎo niú
calf / (coll.) lower-priced model of Lamborghini
niú chē
ox cart / bullock-cart
niú pí
cowhide / leather / fig. flexible and tough / boasting / big talk
niú jīn
beef tendon / cowhells
niú shì
bull market
máo niú
yak (Bos grunniens)
xī niú
gōng niú
wō niú
snail / Taiwan pr. [gua1 niu2]
shuǐ niú
water buffalo
yě niú
gū niú
niú jiǎo
cow horn
lǎo niú
old ox
pìn niú
mù niú
máo niú ròu
yak meat
mù niú
to pasture cattle / to herd cows
chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ
lit. newborn calves do not fear tigers (idiom) / fig. the young are fearless
niú dú zi
xiǎo niú dú
chū shēng niú dú
newborn calf
dú niú
jiān niú
niú pí xuǎn
fēng niú bìng
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
fēng niú
Mad cow
niú dòu
zhòng niú dòu
niú huáng suān
niú zǎi kù
jeans / CL:條|条[tiao2]
niú fèn
shard / cow dung
líng niú
takin (type of goat-antelope)
gēng niú
farm cattle
niú pí qi
bullheadedness / stubborn
niú méng
gadfly (Tabanus bovinus)
niú guǐ shé shén
evil monsters / (fig.) bad characters / (political) bad elements
niú wā
niú è hú
banco / cutoff lake / crescent lake
niú láng zhī nǚ
Cowherd and Weaving maid (characters in folk story) / separated lovers / Altair and Vega (stars)
zuān niú jiǎo jiān
lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem / to bash one's head against a brick wall / a wild goose chase / a blind alley / to split hairs
shè niú
musk ox

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Pinyin niu2
Four Corner
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