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臣 stroke order animation

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臣 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 臣
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 臣
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Meaning of

Pinyin chén
statesman / vassal / courtier / minister / official
臣 (chén) 1. An official in the era of monarchs, sometimes including common people. 君主时代的官吏,有时亦包括百姓。 2. A self-reference used by officials towards the monarch. 官吏对君主的自称。 3. An ancient self-humble term for oneself. 古人谦称自己。 4. Refers to male slaves in ancient times. 古代指男性奴隶。 5. Same as the original meaning (male slave): 官吏对君主的自称 – 例如:~僚。~子。~服。君~。 同本义 (male slave) - 例:“王必无人,臣愿奉璧往使。” (If the king has no one, I would like to offer the jade to send a message.) 6. Refers to subjects under the rule of a king. 国君所统属的众民 (subject)。 7. Officials under a feudal ruler during the monarchic period. 君主制时的官吏 (official under a feudal ruler; subject)。 8. High-level officials in the monarchic period; ministers. 君主制时的高级官员; 大臣 (minister)。 9. A self-reference used by ancient people. 古人自称 (I)。 10. Refers to the self-reference of ministers towards the ruler in ancient times. 古代大臣对君的自称。 11. A self-reference for one's father. 对父的自称。 12. A self-reference for the general public, indicating humility. 对一般人的自称。表示自谦。 ### Actions: 1. To enslave. 役使 (enslave)。 2. To submit oneself to the rule of; acknowledge allegiance to. 臣服 (submit oneself to the rule of; acknowledge allegiance to)。 ### Notes: - Original meaning: male slave (本义: 男性奴隶) - Constructed as a pictograph, resembling an upright eye giving the sense of submission. - Example of use: "臣妾逋逃。郑注:‘臣妾,厮役之属也。’" (I [as a servant] escape. Zheng's note: “Servants are part of subservience.”) - Subservience and loyalty are central themes surrounding this character in historical contexts.
jūn chén
a ruler and his ministers (old)
chén qiè
(literary) I, your servant (self-appellation of a lower-rank female) / (archaic) male and female slaves / subjects (of a ruler)
dà chén
chancellor (of a monarchy) / cabinet minister
jiān chén
a treacherous court official / a minister who conspires against the state
chǒng chén
favored minister
gōng chén
minister who has given outstanding service
zhōng chén
faithful official
chén liáo
court official (in former times)
fǔ shǒu chēng chén
to bow before (idiom) / to capitulate
chén pú
gǔ gōng zhī chén
the most trustworthy ministers
nìng chén
使 shǐ chén
chén mín
subject (of a kingdom, ruler etc)
cháo chén
court councilor
zhòng chén
important minister / major figure in government
wēi chén
this small official / humble servant
chén zǐ
official in feudal court / subject
wén chén
civilian court official (in former times)
chén fú
to acknowledge allegiance to (some regime) / to serve
lǎo chén
old minister
qīn chāi dà chén
imperial envoy / imperial commissioner / the government inspector
Chē chén
Chechnya, a Russian region in the Caucasus / Chechen
chēng chén
wài jiāo dà chén
Foreign Secretary / (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
zhèng chén
official who dares speak frankly before the emperor
xián chén
èr chén
turncoat official

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Input Method for
Pinyin chen2
Four Corner
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