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俳 stroke order animation

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俳 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 俳
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 俳
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Meaning of

Pinyin pái
irresolute / not serious / variety show
俳 【pái】 名 1. 古代指杂戏、滑稽戏。 (Ancient reference to farce and comic plays.) 2. 演杂戏的艺人。 (An actor who performs farces, also known as a buffoon.) 3. 诙谐,玩笑,滑稽,幽默。 (Witty, joking, comic, humorous.) 形 1. 诙谐。 (Comic.) 动 安排。用同“排”。 (To arrange; same as "排" (arrange).) 引 1. 《说文》:“俳,戏也。…亦曰优,曰倡。” (Shuowen: "俳 refers to drama...also called 优 and 倡.") 2. 《三苍》:“俳,优乐也。” (San Cang: “俳 refers to entertainment.”) 3. 《史记·李斯列传》: “是时二世在甘泉,方作觳抵优俳之观。” (Records of the Grand Historian: "At that time, the two emperors were at Ganquan, watching the farce performers.") 例 1. 俳舞(杂戏歌舞) (俳舞 (farce dance and song).) 引 1. 《汉书·霍光传》: “击鼓歌咏作俳倡。” (Han Book: "Drumming and singing created farce performances.") 2. 汉·班固《汉书·枚乘传》: “谐笑类俳倡。” (Hanshu: "Witty banter likened to farce performers.") 例 1. 俳倡(俳优,伶人) (俳倡 (farce performer, buffoon); 俳长 (lead of the farce performers); 俳子 (son of a farce performer); 俳儿 (another term for farce performer, also refers to the son of a farce performer).) 对偶,骈俪。 (Couplets and parallelism.) 例 1. 俳偶(对偶骈丽) (俳偶 (couplets in a magnificent style); 俳语 (style emphasizing parallel phrases); 俳丽 (elegance in couplets).) 形 1. 诙谐。 (Comic.) 引 1. 《北史·李文博传》: “好为俳谐杂说,人多爱押之。” (Northern History: “Fond of comic remarks, many enjoy his puns.”) 例 1. 俳笑(戏笑) (俳笑 (comic laughter); 俳谑 (joking remarks, commonly called teasing); 俳体 (also known as comic form, characterized by cleverness or satirical elements); 俳说 (comic and satirical speech).) 动 安排。用同“排”。 (To arrange; same as "排" (arrange).) 引 1. 《敦煌变文集》:“后日我家俳酒馔。” (Dunhuang Manuscripts: "The day after tomorrow, our house shall arrange wine and dishes.")
pái yōu
pái jù

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Pinyin pai2
Four Corner
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