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白 stroke order animation

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白 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 白
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 白
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Meaning of

Pinyin bái
white / snowy / empty / blank / bright / clear / plain / pure / gratuitous
白 [bái] 【Shape】: [Adjective] 【Original Meaning】: White color 1. The color of snowflakes or milk. 雪花或乳汁那样的颜色。 2. Bright; luminous. 明亮。 3. Clear; evident. 清楚。 4. Pure; pristine. 纯洁。 5. Empty; devoid of anything added. 空的,没有加上其它东西的。 6. Without accomplishments; ineffective. 没有成就的,没有效果的。 7. Without cost; free of charge. 没有付出代价的。 8. Declaration; statement. 陈述。 9. In contrast to classical Chinese. 与文言相对。 10. Notice; announcement. 告语。 11. Funerals; mourning. 丧事。 12. Misspelling or mispronunciation of characters. 把字写错或读错。 13. Politically reactionary. 政治上反动的。 14. A Chinese ethnic minority, mainly distributed in Yunnan Province. 中国少数民族,主要分布于云南省。 15. Surname. 姓。 1. The color white: ~色. ~米. 古人用以代表西方、秋季、金、肺等。 2. Bright: ~昼. ~日做梦. 与“暗”相对。 3. Clear: 明~. 不~之冤. 用于表达清楚的意思。 4. Pure: 一生清~. ~璧无瑕. 纯洁的概念。 5. Empty: 空~. ~卷. 表达没有内容。 6. Ineffectual: ~忙. ~说. 表达无所作为的状态。 7. Free of charge: ~吃~喝. 意为无成本。 8. Statement: 自~. 道~. 直接的宣传或解释。 9. Vernacular: ~话文. 与古文相对,用于日常交流。 10. General announcement: 告~. 用于通知公众。 11. Mourning events: 红~喜事. 此处指代婚事和丧事。 12. Misspelling: ~字. 指错误书写或读音的字。 13. Reactionary: ~匪. ~军. 政治上属于反动的群体。 14. Ethnic group: ~族. ~剧. 特指某个民族及其文化表现。 15. Surname. **Verb** 1. To understand; realize. 清楚,明白。 2. To express; explain. 表明; 说明。 3. To report; inform. 禀告; 报告。 4. To appeal; accuse. 上告; 控告。 5. To turn white. 使…白。 **Adverb** 1. In vain; for no reason. 白白,平白。 2. Only; just. 单单; 只是。 3. Simply; just (in a negative sense). 竟。与“不”连用。
diào bái kuài
Hanging white block
齿 chún hóng chǐ bái
rosy lips and pretty white teeth
齿 chǐ bái chún hóng
Tooth white lipstick
Bái è jì
Cretaceous (geological period 140-65m years ago)
bái hóu
tǎn bái
honest / forthcoming / to confess
Lán píng Bái zú Pǔ mǐ zú Zì zhì xiàn
Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan
bái è
bái yè
white night
bái nèn
(of skin etc) fair / delicate
nèn bái
Tender white
bái luó bo
white radish / daikon / Raphanus sativus longipinnatus
bái fěi
white bandit (i.e. Nationalist soldier)
尿 dàn bái niào
proteinuria / albuminuria
pōu bái
to explain oneself
Bái sè kǒng bù
White Terror
cǎn bái
deathly pale
qiǎng bái
to rebuke / to reprimand
míng bai
clear / obvious / unequivocal / to understand / to realize
bái miáo
line drawing in traditional ink and brush style / simple and straightforward style of writing
bù bái zhī yuān
unrighted wrong / unredressed injustice
bái bān
vitiligo / white spot / white patch / leukoplakia / white fleck / leucoma / floccosoids / leukasmus
bān bái
grizzled / graying
bái huàng huǎng
dazzling white
bái jìn
Bai Jin
bái guǒ
fēng dān bái lù
bái hǎi táng
White Begonia
bái tóu xié lǎo
(to live together until the) white hairs of old age (idiom); to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss / until death do us part
Bái é luó sī
bái mò
froth / foam (coming from the mouth)
jié bái
spotlessly white / pure white
bái yáng
Bai Yang
bái jiāng tǔ
Baijiang soil
Bái yáng diàn
Lake Baiyangdian
shà bái
deathly white
bái làng tāo tiān
The white waves rise as high as heaven.
piǎo bái
to bleach / to whiten
piǎo bái fěn
Hichlon / bleaching powder / chlorinated lime
piǎo bái jì
huī bái
colored / ash-colored
huī bái sè
ash gray
bái chì dēng
incandescent light
bái māo
white cat
bái cí
blanc de chine (porcelain)
bái diàn fēng
bái sè
white / fig. reactionary / anti-communist
dàn bái zhì
dàn bái
egg white / protein / albumen
bái tiān
daytime / during the day / day / CL:個|个[ge4]
kòng bái
blank space
xuě bái
snow white
bái yī
white coat / low official
bái mǎ
a surname
cāng bái
pale / wan
bái qí tún
see 白鱀豚|白
hēi bái
black and white / right and wrong / monochrome
bái rén
white man or woman / Caucasian
bái jiā
White house
bù fēn qīng hóng zào bái
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom) / not to distinguish between right and wrong
bù wèn qīng hóng zào bái
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom) / not to distinguish between right and wrong
qīng hóng zào bái
the rights and wrongs of a matter (idiom)
zào bái
black and white / right and wrong
xū fà jiē bái
The hair and beard become all white. / One's whiskers and hair are all white. / white hair and beard
bái ái ái
dazzlingly white / white and clean (usually said of snow)
bái xuě ái ái
brilliant white snow cover (esp. of distant peaks)
bái ǎi xīng
white dwarf
bái fán
sǐ qi bái lài
to pester someone again and again
rǔ bái sè
milky white
bái fěn
face powder / chalk powder / heroin
bái táng
(refined) white sugar
xiān wéi dàn bái
fibrous protein
chún bái
pure white
bái zhǐ
white paper
bái xì bāo
white blood cell / leukocyte
bái chóu
White silk
wèi dàn bái méi
bái bái pàng pàng
White and fat
yí dàn bái méi
trypsin / trypsase / parenzyme
zhī dàn bái
jiāo bái
water bamboo / wild rice shoots
bǐng zhǒng qiú dàn bái
immunoglobulin / gamma globulin
bái sháo
root of herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora), used in TCM
bái fà cāng cāng
old and gray-haired
cāng bái wú lì
pale and feeble / powerless
bái máng máng
(of mist, snow, floodwater etc) a vast expanse of whiteness
xiè bái
allium macrostemon
yī lì shā bái gǎng
Port Elizabeth
xiǎo bái cài
bok choy / Chinese cabbage / Brassica chinensis / CL:棵[ke1]
bái cài
Chinese cabbage / pak choi / CL:棵[ke1], 個|个[ge4]
bái pú táo jiǔ
white wine
cōng bái
very light blue
bái shǔ
sweet potato
bái hóng guàn rì
Bai Hong Guanri
bái yǐ
termite / white ant
bái shé
white snake
qiú dàn bái
xuè hóng dàn bái
dàn bái méi

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